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Tributes DOS 2021

My Sister Osayanmo Darlin Sofola

Both Yanmo and Sweet were born roughly at the same time during my long holiday from Queens School Ede and I looked after them both, washing their linen napkins, "pampers", carrying them and playing with them.

Thinking now on how I watched Yanmo grow into a beautiful young woman, following the Giwa-Osagie tradition of hardworking, industrious, generous, family oriented daughter, sister, wife and mother; it is particularly painful that there was no preparation for her going to glory.

Many times when I would complain about a problem between Yanmo and myself, my daughter, Funke would always say: "mummy, you and Aunty Darlin are like twins separated by nearly 20 years, you are too alike so you people should settle yourselves." Yanmo I loved you and I know you loved me too.

My only solace is that I believe you are now with Papa, Sister, Mama, Dorothy, Zeze and Bobo, all of you in the arms of God Almighty. That your children are all adults, that you saw and carried grandchildren, that you had a good marriage with Kayode both of you working as partners; for that we can give God thanks.

Yanmo, you left us too soon but God knows best. You made your mark and many good memories with all who came in  contact with you. You will be greatly missed. May God fill the vacuum that your passing has created.  Sleep in the bosom of the Lord.


Ovie Oloke no zuwa Ovie Oloke no when eko ohian edehi.

Your sister Mrs Henrietta Eki Coker Eldest child of Chief F.S. Giwa-Osagie



Tribute to my loving sister

Man and medicine did it's best but we still lost our very dear  sister,a tireless,reliable, fighter, Mrs Osayanmo Darling Sofola aged 65 years and 7months,  setbacks never discouraged  her. She lived like she knew her time was limited and she made the most of her life. Zeze, Bobo and Darlin have gone. Others had near misses, God said don't come yet to them. Is there an evil person or persons in or close to the family? such person or persons  should remember that as a bini saying says 'obo ye wu' meaning " even the medicine man dies!" if you hate or envy your sister to death  surely her bones will choke you! God is not asleep! a fearless fighter has gone to rest. God withdrew her from combat.we thank Him for her life and pray He grants her peace and guard those she loves and left on earth and give them good health and strength, wealth and unassailable success and happiness, amen.ovbie oloke no mose,ovbie egbe na de gbe la ,ovbie no tie ebo so wa,omo oyibo dudu oke mole,ovbie no kpobo zi igho,ovbie obobaifo, ovbie aiyikan gb eni. Rest in have left your mark. Amen.


Emeritus Professor Chief Osato Giwa-Osagie, OON.

The Obarisiagbon.






Dear Iyayansi,

I never told you that your husband told me on several occasions that marrying you is the best decision he ever made in his life. Kayode is not prone to mendacity.Your tempérament, your thoughtfulness, your wisdom, your steadfastness all reminded me of our mother. Your advice, like Mama's, were ignored at one's peril. More and more tales of your kindliness and generosity are emerging as people commiserate. Be it people searching for you to thank for their Christmas presents or those you sent money out of the blue upon hearing rumours of their financial challenges. As I write, the t-shirt I am wearing is one of a dozen or so you bought for me in the summer of 2019, the sandals I wear everyday was bought by you on one of your trips abroad, the numerous agbadas that the ladies seem to love so much were bought by you. I asked you to tell me where to buy coral beads and you surprised me with 2 long necklaces that even Obas will envy.

Recently we talked about how you got the scar on your forehead running down the stairs in Port Harcourt when "Nike, Nike" was playing on the radio. I was trying to impress you with my recollection of events when you were only 2 to 3 years old but you tried to fool me by pretending to remember but I knew you must have been told in latter years.

I remember how I used to frighten you and Rhieme with scorpions from our garden in Enugu, the first time we had ice cream at Club Road, Ikoyi. You and Rhieme wasted it by stamping on it saying it was too cold!

In recent months I reminded you about the 'O' level biology textbook by Ewusie et al which helped you emulate your immediate SENIOR brother (that is ME) by getting a 1 in the exam.

I will not recall when Mama and I took you to your first day at the boarding school in Ibadan. Anyway, I already let the cat out of the bag in your son's presence. Discretion is my middle name. You always said I behaved like oyinbo with such information.

On the day you were admitted to hospital you told me, let it not be said that your 2 medical doctor brothers were not informed by you. Along with our true friend, Dr Dorothy Esangbedo, your brothers did the best they could.

I told your daughter, Buky, I will go on pretending that you're just in your house and me in mine. That's my way to minimise the grief.

Rest in peace until we meet again.

Ovbi'oloke nuwa,

Oke no wihin w'eko,

Oke no gban uwa gioba,

Oke nokpobo zigho,

Oke ne giyan hin...

Ohien e were!!


Mudiame Giwa-Osagie





The news of your death which came to us on Sunday afternoon, came to us as a rude shock. Unfortunately, we did not get the opportunity to bid you farewell.

You were an integral member of the famous family. You were known for organising some of the best parties across the globe.

We pray for God's comfort for your husband, children and grandchildren.

Adieu! Adieu! Adieu!

*Osayaba and Bose Giwa-Osagie.*




Iya-yan, that was how l always called you, and you would call me Poto in response.  Sitting and writing a tribute was not something i ever imagined, as l assumed by the time God would call us to eternal rest, we would have to dictate the tribute to our grandchildren to write.  Sitting at my laptop to write your tribute is unfathomable.   Your were my twin sister as we both were born a month apart.  Our relationship  baffled most people meeting us for the first time, as they had to assume we came from the same mother if we were not twins.  Growing up in a big family with many older siblings was one of my most cherished memories, not without a few instances best forgotten.   Summer months in the 70s provided a lot to look forward to, as you would arrive promptly at I.S.H on Gt. Portland St., London to share my barely 4ft bed with me.  You would fill me in with all the latest and exciting gists from home, while l share my many "Ajala" adventures with you.  I would have booked  trips ahead of your arrival that would take us to many exciting places.   We kept no secrets from each other as we were each other's confidant.  I still remember how excited i was when you asked me to be your chief bridesmaid at your wedding.  We both did the shopping for your wedding dress as well as my outfit.  Darlin these are the memories that will live with me. 

You were a very astute business woman who knew her onions.  You worked very hard and spent very wisely.  You taught many around you of the futility of craving the unrealistic.  You assessed people with uncanny precision,  Many a times l would call or text to get your opinion on key issues, you would give without fear.   Unfortunately, career drive  prevented us from having  the time we could have had together.  The 65 years and 6 months of having you as my sister will forever remain treasured memory.

Sleep on Iya-yan with much love from you Poto.


Sweet Giwa-Osagie





Tribute to My Sister

My dearest sister and friend, My Encourager, My Destiny Helper, My Adviser, My Confidant, Mrs Darlin Osayanmo Kayode Sofola (DOK) Nee Giwa - Osagie. Thank you for your kindness, love, care and encouragement. You wanted nothing less than the best for me and extended the same love to my family.

This will leave a huge vacuum in my heart! To say I will miss you is an understatement, but I give God the glory for the life you lived.

To the unquestionable and all-knowing God, thank you for such a Rare Gem.

God be with you till we meet again my dear Sister.


Yuware Akinkunmi




Tribute to Mrs. Osayanmo Darlin Sofola.

 Am never one that likes early morning phone calls. Most time it’s always bad news. So, when Osayuware called on Sunday. I knew something terrible had happened. I still cannot believe am writing a tribute about you. You and  Uncle called me a few day before Christmas to thank me for the Christmas gift. How was I to know that it would be our last conversation? I would have stayed longer on the phone, enjoyed our banter more, cherished the moment more.

 Writing this tribute has not been easy. I have been receiving phone calls from family members and friends on how you were so nice to them, always checking on how well they were doing in their lives. Including the ones you gave Christmas gifts too.

 My relationship with you was very special. You only ever called me Osgo 1, the original Osgo. I cannot remember if I ever heard you call me by my name Osarome. Thanks to you I have been to three countries that I would never visited. You were my friend, business partner, spiritual adviser and most of all my darling sister. You were truly a Darlin to us all. There was never a dull moment when you were around. You were the life of all your destination parties. An excellent hostess, you never compromised on those your signature parties.

 I am still in shock. But who are we to question our Almighty father who’s called you to heaven.

 I pray that God gives Papa Kolade (Uncle), Kolade, Juwon, Buky, Dipo and your grandkids the strength to bear this loss. You will surely be missed by all.

 Osayanmo Darlin Sofola till we meet again my beautiful darling sister with a heart of Gold. It’s very hard to say good bye but I must say goodbye because I know that you are better off.

 Ovbie aighi yikan gbeni

Ovbie Oloke no Mose

Ovbie Oloke no wihin weko

Ovbie Oloke no Kpobo Zigho

Ovbie no tie ebo sowa

Ovbie egbe na degbe la

Omo oyibo dudu Oke imole

Omo oba bi Olorun Kosi

 Rest in Perfect Peace My Dearest.


Your brother. Osarome Giwa-Osagie




Tribute to A Beautiful Jewel

I never thought I will be writing this tribute so soon, it all seems so unreal, like an unpleasant dream, but here I am faced with a bitter truth. To say I am shocked is an understatement.

Aunty Yanmo, little did I know that God was going to call your name on Sunday morning. I was very hopeful and convinced that your brief illness was going to end in praise. Getting the call that you had gone to be with the Lord was very devastating. My heart simply dropped, and I felt a sharp pain which was unbearable. I have asked God countless times why he allowed this to happen, but I rest in the assurance that God is all-knowing and sees the end from the beginning.

You had so much to live for, we could all clearly see that. You were full of life. You were a loving wife, mother, sister, Aunty & Friend. You were ever so caring, beautiful, kind, cheerful, compassionate, generous, entertaining and the list goes on and on. Your smile was something else. Your presence had a positive impact anywhere you went, ha Aunty Yanmo I will miss you.

When I was younger you made all my summer holidays in London pleasurable, always willing to go the extra mile to ensure I had a wonderful summer holiday, you made sure I lacked nothing especially with my school boarding shopping, my locker in school was like a mini–Safe Way/ Sainsbury stores.

Thank you so much for being such a great big Sister, thank you for your love, thank you for your kindness, thank you for your advice, thank you for all your moral and financial support and thank you for all your prayers especially when I was down. You were a remarkable sister who ensured her siblings were always happy. A sister like no other.

I loved and secretly admired your beauty, your courage and boldness and I always wished I could be as bold as you, maybe someday I will. Aunty Yanmo, you have left us with beautiful memories which I shall cherish forever. Though we cannot see you anymore or hear your voice, I know you will always be by our side.

Like sleeping beauty my darling sister, rest until the day our fate aligns.

Rest in Perfect Peace Aunty Yanmo.


Osarugue Fajana




I cannot believe that my dear sister in law Mrs Osayanmo Darlin Sofola is dead .

I first met her in london when she used to come on holiday with her other siblings and her parents

She was fun to be with a very vibrant personality

When it came to her choosing a career my husband her brother  told me that she was considering doing Dentistry because that is what I was studying She later changed her mind on second thought

What I remember Osayanmo for is how she made sure I was never left out looking like a strange individual when it came to family functions She always sent me the appropriate attire so I blended in

Yanmo was a business entrepreneur  I remember when she started a dressmaking business and she made sure that we sent materials to her dressmaking shop to sew clothes for myself and the children

I remember during the days of military coups when they lived at Yaba my husband her brother would call her every morning to ask if the road was free of any disturbance  as they could view the whole road from their house this would give us an indication whether to leave our house or stay at home

So many things to say about Osayanmo

Was a privilege having her as my sister in law more than that as a sister who helped me to blend in and to make sure that her dear brother Prof Osato had no regrets marrying a non Nigerian  Yanmo you will not be forgotten.  Rest in the arms of Jesus  Adieu.


Dr (Mrs ) Angela Giwa-Osagie




Mama Kolade, as I called her, was my sister (my husband’s immediate senior sister) and my friend. She was one of a kind .blessed with a deep analytical mind , she could sort through the most complex of issues

As with all siblings we had our ups and downs, agreements and disagreements, but the ups far outweighed the downs. She was a strong support to me and to all the other members of the family. In fact she was so strong that we never thought that she could leave us so soon, she was the one we expected to last 100 years

We thank God for the privilege of knowing her and enriching our lives with her presence .

Mama Kolade was the go to person, she knew everyone and something about everything. If you wanted something done, you just involved Mama Kolade. She was special, in so many ways.

I will miss her but I am comforted by her thoughts as expressed in the final text message that she sent to me

‘Many many thks, You are not just Osaretins wife of 33yrs but a mother, A sister, and a loyal friend to him, You are appreciated.

God bless and guide you in Jesus mighty name. Amen’

Mama Kolade, omo Giwa-Osagie, aya Sofola, egbon mi sun re.  I will miss you.


Abisola Giwa-Osagie​

My Warmest.




I wish it were a dream! Alas, it is true! We have lost a gem!

I can’t find enough words to describe your sterling qualities, Mrs. Darlin Sofola. You were the most generous, caring, compassionate, hard-working, energetic woman I had come across. You were an exceptional family woman. You touched so many lives.

Your death is painful! It’s a big loss to the Sofola and Giwa-Osagie families and those who were associated with you.

May your good works continue to speak for your husband, children, grand-children and the families you have left behind!

Rest in the bosom of the LORD, Mrs. Darlin Sofola!  We miss you sorely!


Akin. Akinkunmi



Dear Aunty Yanmo,

The news of your passing left me shocked and heavy hearted. You were such a kind and jovial person, never a dull moment when you are around. Your advice over the years on marriage and business was so precious to me, and held me in good stead for so long. I remember when I ventured into business in Nigeria, you took my matter to heart and went above and beyond with your efforts to make things happen for me. I will forever cherish your wise counsel and the precious memories I have of you. I will miss your WhatsApp messages on news in Nigeria, jokes, gospel music and the latest gospel program. I take solace in the fact that you loved God and have gone to be with our lord.

Sleep well Aunty Yanmo.


Tayo Fajana




With total submission to the Supreme Will of Almighty God, I bid farewell to my sister in law. Undoubtedly a painful exit.

Am yet to come to terms over the sudden death of Ganiat Mosunmola, your very,very  dear aburo and friend, then this happens!

Am speechless. May God grant your soul eternal rest.


(Hon. Folabi Sofola )


My Letter to Mrs Darlin Sofola Nee Giwa Osagie

My Big Sister .... I will always only address you as My Darling Aunty Darlin.

My heart stopped and summersaulted when I saw the message announcing your passing.

To keep quiet on your demise is suicidal ...I must give honour to who honour is due , because to me you changed my life. A sister in law extraordinary and the best thing to a blood Sister to me.

Auntie Darlin you never ignored me or excluded me, you always welcomed me,accepted me and made me feel loved and accepted always ... for this alone I would never forget you.

All Good Memories:

I remember attending your children’s graduations with your family and my Dad , just like I attended all your children’s  naming ceremonies with my Dad. Your children’s wedding were one of my happiest moments too . Your 60th Birthday in Spain was pure sunshine memories . The farewell 70th Birthday you gave my Brother was heaven on earth.

From my University days in the old Bendel state I stayed with your parents on short holiday and felt more at home there.

My Dad loved you as a daughter and from primary school days I watched you bring exotic meals to my Dad and feed him like a King.

To me you can only be a big Sister that looked out for me until the end. You always gave me good advice and accepted my husband as your brother.

To me you can never die.... your memory lives on forever.

You came to this world and conquered the world. You left a strong family, loving children, doting husband and amazing grandchildren. Everyday spent with you was sunshine to my life.

You were hardworking, industrious, ambitious, serial entrepreneur and the biggest business woman I have ever met. Your advice to me really changed my life.

There could never be anyone as beautiful inside and out like you. Tears can never be enough to measure my loss.

My heart would never stop bleeding for you my dearest Big Sister.

The only consolation I have is your faith in Jesus  Christ which you preached to me. My belief is that Heaven has gained an Angel and your work on earth has been completed.  We always joked about how we have never fallen out.... My love for you would never die.

Love 💕 always

Mrs Olorunkemi Ogedegbe

(nee Kemi Sofola)




Darlin, my sister in law and friend!

Words fail me and I am still devastated by the loss of such a bubbly, lively, ever smiling black beauty. Hmmmmn.

I first met Darlin when I was still studying abroad and my big brother K brought her to introduce her to jè one summer in London. I still remember that day vividly in her dream and white top on jeans. I thought she was rather skinny but her smile and bubbliness won the day.

Darlin is a business woman to the core of her bone (I refuse to refer to her In past sentence because she lives on FOREVER!). What didn’t Darlin sell lol. When I got back to Nigeria and started work, most of my office wears and jewelry were purchased from her as she sold everything under the son! While my brother is the quiet one, our Darlin is the social happy-go-lucky one. Though am sad at her loss but as I write about her and the memory, am smiling for the first time after her translation to glory.

As she became part of our family, I used to be jealous that she had taken my brother’s love from me but later realized that she loves him and the children to the core and that’s indeed honorable. She did everything for her family and is indeed the Amazon that held it all together. As she aged, she became more beautiful, graceful, fashionista and above all, moved closer to God. I can testify that after the loss of her little sister Bobo, Darlin moved very close to God and her relationship with us greatly improved. Looking back now, it was as if she knew she was living on borrowed time. I thank God for our friendship and the relationship and I miss her so very much. I choose to celebrate a vibrant lovely sister who made peace with God and man, and lives on forevermore! You are a great wife, great mum, doting gramma and beloved child of God. You will forever be in my heart and I miss you terribly.

Rest in the bosom of our Lord sis.

Ayo Sofola Asolo



It was heart breaking to hear that you had passed away. We had recently been exchanging messages and we always looked forward to receiving news from you. Your passing away is made much harder to bear as we didn’t have the chance to let you know how much we love and appreciate you. Together with Brother Kayode, you were a pillar of strength in the family and were tireless in your efforts to promote family unity. You were a gracious host who took pride and pleasure in sharing memorable events with family and friends - Thank you for being there for our key moments such as our wedding and children’s naming ceremony. You were a compassionate person and always supported the less fortunate. You were an embodiment of joy and happiness irrespective of the environment.

The numerous condolence messages we have received from our friends, many of whom we did not know knew you, is a testimony of how many people you have touched and how many lives you have impacted. The Sofola & Giwa-Osagie families, and the world at large, has lost a true gem and a shining light. However, heaven has gained a true Ambassador of Christ. We will always have the fond memories of our time together and continue to reflect on the words of advice and encouragement.

As we pray for your sweet soul to rest in peace, we take this time to also pray for the loved ones left behind, most especially Brother Kayode, your children and grandchildren, as well as the rest of the Sofola & Giwa-Osagie families. We thank God for giving us such a Sister as you, and although our time together was cut short, we were privileged to be a part of it.

In life we loved you dearly; In death we love you still. Rest in peace, our dearest Sister, in the arms of our Maker. Adieu.


Kolawole and Omorinsola SOFOLA




Darlin joined our family so long ago she came family. Her love of our brother was apparent in endless ways. Her love of her children was astounding. My heart is breaking for the loss .

I will remember her for all the music she forwarded to me via whatsapp as she knew of my love of music.

May her Soul rest in Perfect Peace and may God look after and comfort those she left behind. Take heart and know that  Darlin has departed only in body only She is still here surrounding her loved ones spiritually.

It is well.

Adeola Sofola James MD



Tribute to Sister Darlin

Words cannot express my deep sense of loss at the shocking news of your death. I was so sure you were getting better and that soon I would be receiving WhatsApp messages and calls from you. I still cannot believe it is true. My brother’s true love is no longer with us

From when you were about to get married and you asked me to be your flower girl, you have always shown care and concern for me, my brother and as time went on, our families.

I will remember your thoughtfulness for others, your kindness to all, your fantastic parties and your impeccable hosting.

You were a hard working and diligent person who took our whole family as yours. You loved my brother fiercely and deeply and you raised four amazing children.

Sister Darlin only God knows why this happened. I pray for you, for S2 and the whole family. We will always remember you in love. E sun re egbon mi.

Adefowora Sofola

Sister in law




Aunt Darlin,

It's hard to know where to begin because you have been a mainstay and a pivotal stalwart in my life since I was a kid till now.

Grateful for the care and compassion you showed me from my childhood years onwards.

You would always ensure that I was well looked after anyone I stayed over at your house , which was very frequent,  right from the Yaba days all the way till lekki.  Nothing was ever too much trouble for you as long as I and my cousins were comfortable and happy."as long as aunt darlin is around we shall never lack." This was the general consensus i assure you not just my opinion but that of all my cousins i am certain.

I am pained to have to write this tribute but you deserve to be celebrated and revered and most certainly will never be forgotten.

Your vibrant and optimistic disposition was contagious and I am grateful to have had you in my life and shared indelible and memorable moments over numerous years that I can look back on fondly with a smile and I am sure you wouldn't have it any other way.

Thank you for always keeping me in your prayers and thoughts even when we all get occupied with life as we have gotten older,  I always appreciated all the messages of encouragement for what I do and constant reminders to continue to push our individual limits much like you. your authenticity was refreshing and empowering. Thank you for being true to yourself always as that has rubbed off on all of us too.




Rehia Giwa -Osagie




This is probably one of the most difficult tasks I have had to do. It still has not sunk in that my dear aunt has passed on. I have too many memories to put down on paper but the one thing I would like to say is how generous, and kind she was. She was extremely family oriented and always put them first. She was not just my aunt but also my god mother and she took that role extremely seriously, always checking in on me and my family and offering advice or solutions. I will miss our gisting sessions. I will always remember and cherish that you took me along with the family to celebrate your 50th birthday in Dubai and my family and I had a wonderful time celebrating your 60th birthday in Marbella. One of the great things about you was that you were fun loving and loved to bring family and friends together. A very considerate person as you were  always thoughtful of others.  I cannot count the numerous times I followed you shopping in London or the times my friends and I would come over to your place and we would all be chatting. Everyone loved aunty Yanmo because she was very easy to talk to and was always willing to give good advice. It is very hard to believe you are gone. I miss you but I take refuge knowing that you have gone to a better place. May your gentle soul rest in perfect peace my dear aunty.

Uwaila (God daughter)

Mrs sho for show, my favourite Aunty

I cannot believe that I cannot say that anymore. She would rely, let them know oh let them be jealous.

Her usual comment to Kola was always you know you and uncle are the only Muslims in the family.

Aunty Darlin was always smiling, always bubbly and she knew how to blackmail me to attend functions. Her fashion game was always on point and always in the know of what was new and happening

I remember her wedding day quite clearly with osarugue and I as flower girls and I assumed the next honour would be her 70th birthday.

I think it’s safe to say that heaven has a new party planner extraordinaire and angels are being knitted in new uniform with the latest fabric and accessories. Aunty Darlin has taken charge!

Uncle Kayode, kolade, Juwon, Buky and Dipo, I pray Gods amazing grace and comfort on all of you and trust that he would see you through this devastating period and grant you peace that surpasses all understanding in Jesus name,Amen.

Aunty Darlin… rest in peace.


Love from, Funke Karim.



Tribute to my Godmother

Dear Godmother

 I have now lost 2 mothers in the space of 2 years. The numbness and emptiness that comes with grief has become a familiar feeling.

You lived your life to the fullest and gave us all so many good memories. I acknowledge this grief but I choose to celebrate your life. I’m sure you would have it no other way.

What better way to celebrate your life by living our lives to the fullest and being who we are unapologetically ? If we do that, you will continue to live on in each and every one of us.

Your debt on this earth has been paid. Now it’s time to rest Aunty.

Rest well. Rest in Power.

Your Godson


Akintayo Folarin Osasogie Kayode

PS : say hello to my parents and Aunty Z when you see them x



Aunty Darlin Tribute - Toye​

Aunty Darlin,

I am still struggling to accept that you’re no longer here with us. I recently found an old picture of us while I was at Start rite school and it reminded me of how much of an important role you played in my life.

I will cherish the memories that were made from Herbert Macaulay to Femi Osoba to Clarence Gate to Marbella to Marrakech.. the list goes on.

Thank you for stepping in and playing the motherly role during my wedding celebrations. I truly appreciate it.

You really were an amazing Aunty and Mother with a BIG heart. You always gave wise counsel when I needed it.

I will miss our usual Sunday evening calls checking in on Seun & I.

Thank you for everything and I pray for strength and grace for your family you’ve left behind to carry on your legacy.

Now you have joined my guardian angels in heaven – mum and dad. Say hello to them.

Lots of Love,


“T for Toye”



Dear Aunty Darlin

I refuse to accept the reality of this untimely situation because for as long as I can remember you have been in my life. From when I was a little girl up until just a few weeks ago when last we spoke. I’m not sure how to rationalize or accept how we are here, but you believed in God strongly and always instilled that in everyone that was close to you, so I have no choice but to lean on His grace and trust that it was His time to call you home. I’m not sure where to even begin but over the past few days since I heard the devastating news, I’ve been reminiscing about my early childhood memories nonstop, specifically of you coming to New York with the whole family every year with us. Those were some of the fondest memories of my childhood.

I remember when you kept encouraging me to move to Lagos even when my late mom (Zeze Giwa-Osagie) was hesitant. You never relented, insisted that I stay with you and it ended up being one of the best decisions I ever made. More importantly, you kept your promise to look out for me every step of the way and I'll always be grateful to you for that.. You never wasted an opportunity to celebrate this precious life, which is what we are all called to do, so that when we leave this earth we know that we lived and inspired others to do so as well. This is one of the very rare moments where I’m grateful that my dear mom and Aunty Bobo have already gone ahead to rest and are there to welcome you with open arms.

Rest in perfect peace, Aunty.

Love Always,


Lola ‘Lolly Baby’ Coker



Dearest Aunty,

I still cannot believe that I am writing this and struggle to come to terms with the reality.

First of all, Thank you for the role that you played in my life as an Aunty and a mother. You took on a very big role and I do not take it for granted. Aunty, thank you. Thank you for all the love and care you showed me.

I am so glad that we can look back and say that indeed you lived a great life.

You were the life of the party, chief planner, ever so bubbly yet very firm and prayerful.

I will cherish all the conversations and words of wisdom that you shared with me forever.

Thank you for being so accommodating and loving, you were a woman with a heart of gold. Most especially, My darling mamas best friend!

We love you so much Aunty but the Almighty God loves you more. May your soul rest in perfect peace in

Jesus name. Amen

Lots of love,



Toyosi Bode-Kayode. 


To My Dear Aunty Darlin,

While you had 4 biological children, many people reading this would consider you as a Mother figure to them due to the impact you had on their lives.

Many would also attest to your benevolence and ability to make anyone feel special.

It is no coincidence that these opinions are widely shared because you were, in fact, all these things and MORE, but unfortunately, words cannot accurately describe all that you were.

What I will say is you will be dearly missed as a Grandmother, Mother, Sister, Aunty, Friend and a leader.

From always finding a reason to bring the family together to celebrate, be it Christmas Day, your 60th birthday or Uncle’s 70th, which all showcased your exceptional organisational skills, to instilling a “go-getter” spirit in many of us to showing us the VALUE of family through yours, your absence would be deeply felt.

I will always remember the meals at your favourite spot, Phoenix Chinese Restaurant, Baker Street, whenever you and Uncle were in London and the number of times you ensured I was a part of any of the birthday celebrations in your house during the lockdown by sending a portion of the birthday goodies to me.

I will always remember how much you accommodated your nieces and nephews at Baker Street and Femi Osoba to the extent any guest would assume we were your children; it’s as a result of this that we formed endless childhood memories at both residences as we spent a significant portion of our childhood within your care.

But while it’s a great loss, I can imagine that you’re in a better place Aunty and wants us all to know we’ve gained another guardian angel.

Farewell Aunty Darlin; till we meet again.

 Tobi Akinkunmi


The news of your demise came as a great shock to me as I was not aware that you were ill. I thank you for the love and care you continually showered on my family and I.You were a woman of many parts and I remember our several interactions concerning real estate transactions amongst other ventures. I will never forget when I returned to Nigeria after my studies in 1990 and you made two sets of brocade buba and sokoto and also gave me some cash. The pair of brocade became my official party attire for a while as the embroidery was unique. It is hard to say goodbye Aunty but God knows best. May your soul rest in perfect peace.


Your Nephew

Kofo Coker


My Dear Aunty Darlin,

It brings me great pain to know that the Lord has chosen now to bring you to Glory.  I am thankful for the time we shared here together. You were kind and loving and a gracious Godmother. Your generosity knew no limits.

You welcomed me as one of your own and loved me as such.

I will forever cherish our memories and forever honor your name.

Until we meet again,


Your Adetoks

Adetokunboh Coker


Tribute to Aunty Yanmo

“I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat. I was naked and you clothed me. I was homeless, and you took me in.” 

Aunty Yanmo was this and more to everyone around her. Even though I was far away, she always had us on her mind , to the extent that she would send food stuff she knew I would love, all the way to Dubai. That’s how much she loved us.

She had the biggest heart. She was an inspiration and will never be forgotten.

I will definitely tell your ‘grand-princess’ of an amazing ‘grand-aunty’ that made such an impact in our lives.

May your gentle soul rest in perfect peace Aunty. 


Ore Arah (Nee Akinkunmi) 



To the most beautiful and kind soul who always welcomed us into her house and her heart with open arms.

We have so many memories of our dearest aunt, from our special nicknames with which she would so lovingly tease us- “My Main Man” for Uyi,  “Zim Girl Me” for Zeme and “Zin Zin Zina” for Zena , to the fondness with which she would always welcome the three of us each time we saw her. There was never any doubt of the boundless love she felt for us, that which we felt for our Aunt and the importance that she attached to family and family values.

Thank you so much for all the amazing memories and sharing your homes with us so many times from days spent growing up with you and our cousins in Yaba to Lekki and Clarence Gate, Baker Street. The memories from our times there and the bond it has created between us and  our cousins is one that we will always cherish and continue to nurture.

We pray to almighty God that you rest in perfect peace and although your time here with us is done, we know you’re in the best place. Our prayers are with our Uncle Kayode and our dear cousins Kolade, Juwon, Buki and Dipo. *Her* legacy and image live forever in you all. May God continue to guide you during this difficult time and forever!

We love you all and we’re always here for you!


Uyi, Zeme & Zena Giwa-Osagie


Dear Aunty Darlin,

It breaks my heart to hear that you are no longer with us physically, but comforting to know you are now present with us in spirit. I am so thankful for the time we spent together and I will cherish all of our wonderful times and memories forever. Thank you for always finding a way to make me laugh and smile. Thank you for being an amazing role model to look up to. I miss you dearly already and wish you were still here. I love you and pray that your soul rests in perfect peace.





Dear Aunty Darlin

Upon any encounter with you I knew I could expect a few behaviour traits, one of which was your trademark smile, it was subtle but filled with love and joy, it reflected a lot about your character. I will cherish our joyful memories from your London visits to the summer holidays. Your passing is a shock, it makes little sense, however God has his reasons. May your soul rest in peace.

Love Always


Tomilade Fajana


Aunty Darlin

You were a kind and pleasant woman, I didn’t see you often but whenever you visited London, the moments we shared were always memorable and enjoyable. Whenever there was a function you made sure my brothers and I were present to enjoy the occasion. We will miss you greatly, may your soul rest in peace.

Love  From


Timehin Fajana




Aunty Darlin

You were the most warming person, I would not see you everyday, but any occasion you were present was nothing short of everyone having a lovely time, from Marbella to Marrakech you will be missed.



Tuyi Fajana


My dearest Aunt Darlin

My ever smiling and beautiful aunty.... Words have failed me over and over again.  My heart hurts so much... I never for once thought I would be writing this tribute about you so soon. Wow... My dearest aunty was a beacon of light to everyone she had an encounter with, always ready to lend a hand, always happy to hear we are doing well. She never failed to tell my sisters and I how proud of us she is and how she’s happy we are making our dad proud each time I saw her with the warm smile she always had on. I can still hear the way you laugh and call my name, this is still surreal to me. Aunty Darlin thank you for always being you. Thank you for the love and care you showed my sisters and I always, we never took your kindness and generosity for granted. You were such a great wife, mother, sister and aunty, you were such a great woman, I guess God wanted you back in heaven. I will miss your beautiful and genuine smile. May the Almighty God grant you eternal rest in Jesus name. Amen.


Love from Sekinah Giwa-Osagie​


Tribute to a Remarkable Woman

My dearest Aunty Darlin, ever so cheerful there was never a dull moment when I was around you.This feels like a nightmare, I am finding it hard coming to terms with the fact that you are really gone. You were a truly amazing, great, kind hearted, caring, vibrant, so giving, warm and selfless woman. I remember how you opened your home to my sisters and I whenever we came visiting, your home felt like our home. I love how you were so full of life, your smile could light up a room and your laughter was very contagious. I will miss your smile, your kind soul and positive attitude. It was a such privilege, and I am incredibly blessed for having someone as special and remarkable as you in my live. I want to appreciate you for everything you did for my family and I. You will be forever missed and cherished, your sweet memories will always be in our hearts . I love you. Adieu Aunty 


Shakirat Giwa-Osagie



Tribute to my sweet Aunty Darling.

I write this with so much unbelief, and I am overwhelmed by the shock of this news

My dearest aunty was one of a kind, suffice to say she was a rare gem!.

She was supportive and loving, and never held back in showing that love in anyway she could.  

From giving of gifts, to making phone calls, to sending words of encouragement, she gave it all. They say love is giving, and she gave it like no other.

She gave without expecting anything in return, as it was second nature to her. Some of my fondest childhood memories were formed while   spending Christmas and New Year’s holiday with her and the family. Even as grown ups, she was relentless in drawing us close to her. All through the initial lockdown, she would call to check up on us every week to ensure we had everything we needed.

 When I started my business, she literally choked me with support. She would call me to ask for my flyers, saying she needed to send it to all her  friends and said they must patronize me. I would always get calls from people saying, “ your aunty said we must use you o!” and they did. She didn’t stop there, she was always sending messages on how to grow my business and encouraged me in any way she could.

Words fail me! and as I write this, my heart breaks even more. Despite the pain, I find solace knowing that she lived an impactful life filled with love.

I love you so much aunty, I wish I said this enough. Thank you for loving us the way you did. May God grant your soul eternal rest. You remain forever in my heart!


Dami Gbajumo


A tribute to my Dearest Cousin.

Words cannot express how I felt when I heard of your passing on Sunday morning. I am grateful to God for the life you lived, for it was indeed a fulfilled one. You were a model of love, compassion and generosity. Thank you for all the love you showed to me and my children over the years. Your memory will forever live in our hearts.  May God console Uncle K, your children, grandchildren and the entire Solofa and Oloke family as we deal with your passing. We love you but God loves you best. You are gone but you will never be forgotten.

Rest in perfect peace my beloved cousin


Adesuwa Uwaifo-Bajulaiye




What a rude shock this is, I can’t believe you are gone.

I’ll never ever forget you. It’s so painful because I feel like I’ve lost two mother in laws in the space of 2 years! God knows best

Your lessons on “the right thing to do” won’t be forgotten. The way you so openly embraced me and stepped into the motherly role for Toye can only be Holy Spirit led. You were an amazing mother and we will always honour and appreciate you.

I’ll miss Sunday’s and your usual “Seun...Seun”! Even my dearest friends know the famous  “aunty darlin” and were recalling stories of teas you’d given them or trips you had invited them on and your numerous hugs during the wedding.  In such a short space of time you were so inclusive!

I remember joking with you that we are looking forward to the next family party and you had so many plans for 2021!! 

We will continue all of your traditions.

Thank you for everything Ma! May you rest in perfect peace.

A true darling in every sense of the word- I have never met anyone more aptly named.

Love forever,  Seun...Seun!


Seun Toye-Kayode


Dear Aunty Yanmo, what a blessing and privilege to have had you in our family. She was always cheerful, fun-loving and so full of life. Aunty’s smile could light up a room and it was infectious. It is hard to come to terms with the fact that we will never hear your laughter again. we will always cherish your sweet memories.  She was a role model. I can confidently say that you left your footprint in the sands of time. You believed in us. You were a Proverbs 31 woman, a wonderful intellect a great soul of matchless courage. Aunty made everyone around her happy, She has left a remarkable legacy here on earth. Aunty was a delight to be around. Tears will not allow me to express how amazing you were. We are heartbroken that you are no longer with us, It is hard to say goodbye. Farewell Aunty Yanmo we will miss you.

Thank you for loving us and always being there for us.



Love from Halima Daniel (Giwa-Osagie)


If the phone call did not come from Bukky, we would have dismissed the news as a terrible rumor. Alas, it was true that our big sis aunty Darlin has passed on. Hearing those words and accepting that truth has been a deeply painful journey.

Our kind, loving, caring, generous, and reliable Auntie Darlin: we say this in the truest and purest meaning of her name. You were a blessing to so many of us in your lifetime, you loved unconditionally and were always quick to suggest solutions to problems, no matter how daunting they seemed. Your generosity was second nature to you, always ready and willing to help and support. A restless soul, always seeking to conquer new heights. Auntie was a unifying force, and her joy was to bring people together in laughter and happiness. You were a kind soul and a blessing; your creed was to do as much good to as many people as you could. You were not deterred by the financial or personal toll of such boundless compassion. You radiated joy and it was a delight to be around you and Uncle.

It is so difficult to write these words and refer to you in the past tense.  Our last conversation with you and Uncle on Christmas day was only a few weeks ago. In many ways, the news still feels like a bad dream; that tomorrow we could pick up the phone and continue our banter like nothing has changed. It is with great pain that that we accept the reality that our aunty Darlin, Osakiodeme’s big mommy is no more.

We thank God for your blessed and eventful life, because you came and made the world a better place than how you met it. It is our sincere belief that everyone who had the blessing and privilege to cross your path in this life is all the better for it.

The Lord is our comforter. To our kind and loving Uncle Kayode, words are not adequate, but in Christ we have faith that ‘It is well’. To our beloved Kolade, Juwon, Oluwabukunola, and Oladipupo, the Lord is your peace and strength. He will see us through this together.

In our grief and loss, heaven has gained a radiant soul.  Aunty Darlin sleep on, good night and continue to rest in the bosom of your creator. We shall meet again on the resurrection morning.

Tonnie & Ajike Ikhinmwin.



It is all so SURREAL !!

I can’t even bring myself to do a tribute to you ! Unbelievable but yet REAL. Life has really dealt us a big blow! Alas we now only have left with us, Fond memories of one who was once such an active part of us . - LIFE !!

‘Mrs S ‘ as I fondly called you, - I can only imagine life going forward without you.

Our forever unending conversations and deliberations on just about anything from our families to business ideas to our pending destination celebrations and so on ! Some of our discussions and chats ended abruptly on the 24th of December hoping to continue ....

I feel Robbed and Violated! I have been trying to understand what just happened. So many questions unanswered.

God remains Sovereign! I am trusting him to minister Great Grace and comfort to us all in Jesus name . Amen

How I miss you already my darling EGBON !

Rest In Peace and God bless


My lovely sis ....


Lara Elebute



Darlin, what joy you brought to my life - caring, loving. You did the same for both your nuclear and extended families and friends. Nothing was too much for you to do. A wonderful heart!!

When God took you to be with Him, the pain was too much but I know He took you to Himself so that you’ll not be contaminated by the world.

You are now an angel watching over your husband, children and grand children.

Go well and continue to Rest In Glory. Never to be forgotten.


Sis Mary




My dear president as I fondly called you, Osayanmo Darlin Sofola, a warm, kind hearted and supportive friend. A distinguished daughter of Edo State.

As the pioneer president of the Edo Women Association (Lagos Chapter), you led and severed with passion and joy.  You eagerly  carried on the vision of our association which was to economically empower young women of Edo State by encouraging them to develop useful skills as a tool to better themselves  and contribute positively to society.

Darlin, you were a strong, committed leader, who championed various projects and programs to the enhancement of women. Your commitment to duty cannot be quantified, your hard work and dedication has left a legacy for many young women.

You will be dearly missed, rest in the bosom of Jehovah until we meet again.


Mrs. Eki Igbinedion

Frm. First lady of Edo State.


Aunty is very caring and a master planner. I remember when she was planning PopsK’s 70th in Marrakesh, she called to tell me she had paid for us to get our lashes done in London. This is Aunty for you!!! I was surprised and teased her, even though i had never done it before i obliged her.

Aunty is very enterprising and very shrewd business woman. She believes that there is nothing you cannot achieve once you set your mind to it. She was very bold and intelligent, always thinking of the next business ventures. At the same time she was very sociable and loves to gist which we do from time to time. She knows quite a lot of people, hardly will you mention a name that Aunty does not know.

To Aunty, family is very important and means a lot to her. She is the type that if there is any function in the family, everyone must be there including our children. She was always drumming it in my ears that we are now ONE big family and must always support one another. She extended this to Segun and I and our family.

Aunty Darling, you were indeed a darling. I still cannot come to terms that you are no longer with us.  I will never forget that phone call from Prof on Sunday the 17th that you had passed on. The pain i felt was indescribable but we cannot question God. He gives and he takes away, may his name be praised!!

Thank you for your show of love towards us always.

Thank you for looking after Tayo, Toye, Seun and Toyosi, you played the role of a MOTHER to them to the core. As Yorubas would say ‘E se oju, e tun se eyin’. Glory be to God!!

Thank you for being a sister to me, I will never forget every moment we spent with one another.

Thank you for your care, kindness and generosity towards us.

Take your deserved rest ma and may God be with PopsK and all your children you left behind, may he fill that void your passing has caused in Jesus name, amen.

Aunty, to say we will miss you is an understatement. We are consoled that you are now in a better place.

Sleep on...........

Much love,


DEBOLA (as you fondly call me)

Adebola Awolowo




When I received my copy of request for tributes barely 48 hours after, it then dawned on me, that this was not a dream afterall.

To even now write in past tense about Mrs Darlyn Sofola  became a very numbing personal experience.

The last time I visibly wept was about ten years ago when I lost my late wife & had even forgotten on how to cry again until I got this terrible news  from MRS Tytler two days ago. Her death hit me like a thunder bolt & saw me broke down.

We regularly communicated on social media on any subject of mutual interest until it dried up around the Christmas season not knowing she was battling with the dreaded virus.

She was sister you could safely refer to as reliable & dependable at all times on any matter, at a short notice.

She does not know how to say no to any request.

Ever willing to give an answer or a helping hand even at her inconvenience.

When I had the opportunity to speak with a close family member on the death of Mrs Sofola, I likened her exit to a departure of a “strong man“ from a family. This is one big void we would all find very difficult to fill because she meant differently to all of us.

Her immediate family has not only lost a virtuous wife & a loving mother but the oloke family has lost one of our very best.

If there was one person that knows how to unconditionally share joy, happiness & give succor in equal dosage, it was MRS Sofola.

What is it about her we would forget so easily?, Is it the manner she shares felicitations, praise you to high heavens as an oloke, the lavish entertainment at her regular parties, reliability in business relationships, constant phone calls to ask after your welfare & the family & sharing of chats on the ubiquitous social media.

There is never an easy way to ask the entire family to bear this but to pray to God to balm our pains & continue to remember her immediate family in thoughts & prayers.

Farewell my sister until we meet on resurrection day.


SB Osagie


My cousin Aunty Darlin was simply a rockstar. She absolutely rocked on so many levels! When I first moved back in 2004, she was one of the key people who helped me settle into life in Lagos. Her loving advice, support and encouragement through the ups and the downs of finding my way and adapting to what was a huge change for me, made all the difference back then.

One thing of the things that stood out about Aunty Darlin, was her generosity and her love for people. She was able to connect with all levels and all types of people - from royalty to the beggar on the street. I always marvelled at how easily she made friends with much younger people and had personal relationships with so many of them. She had such a gathering heart and always brought people together. She sent us all gifts every Christmas but I never realised just how many people she sent gifts to. This week, quite a few have told me that they too received a Christmas gift from her every year and some aren't even people she was that tight with. It was the same at sallah because of course Uncle Kayode is muslim. We all congregated in her house for her sallah spread. Aside from Christmas and sallah, she also quite often sent us food items- moi-moi, cooked rice, meat, sweetcorn. Even during the COVID lockdown she sent me corn-on-the-cob and guinea fowl. She looked out for people and remembered everyone. She was a special in that way.

Aunty Darlin was one of the most enterprising and hard working people I've ever known in my life. She was always starting one new business project or another and she kept many going all at the same time. I always told her I didn’t know how she not only did it successfully but also managed to make it all look so easy. It really was remarkable.

I enjoyed spending time with Aunty Darlin and we often went out together to parties, to church or other outings. Another thing was that she always knew the latest restaurants in town and she would invite us all out to dinner there. I used to discover the trendy new restaurants from her until Zeme took over that role.


In hindsight now, I’ve come to appreciate the way she always made a point of celebrating the good times – weddings, birthdays and even those Christmas parties she used to hold back when the kids were still young. There are so many memories and so many stories to tell. I can’t believe she is gone. One thing I must say is that I am so glad I was able to go to Marakech for Uncle Kayode’s 70th. I will always be grateful I did. We will all have to look after him now.

For now, it’s good night Aunty until we meet again on the other side of eternity. I love you tons. You were such a Queen.

Ivana I. Osagie



Our fathers were very close friends and  spent most memorable evenings together especially after he retired and moved back to Benin City. They drank,ate and played billiard. I have very fond memories of Chief and Mrs F S Giwa Osagie.

That made Darlin and l more sisterly and close than just friends.

Both of us had Bini father’s who were Chiefs and Itsekiri mothers.

We had common background .

When I came to Lagos to attend the Nigerian Law School in 1976,I lived with my sister,Dr Edugie Abebe and her husband Dr Victor Abebe  at Calabar street ,Surulere which was off  Darlin’s family house at Adisa Bashua Street.

We saw each other every evening and went out most times together.

Darlin always knew what she wanted and strived in the right directions to achieve her dreams.

I find it very difficult writing this tribute, which is not a birthday or award tribute but one which I write with pain and a very heavy heart.

We leave everything to God our maker as it is his will to give and take.That we cannot question.

We thank God for giving us such an Angelic sister who made and left her mark in the sand of time.

Yanmo was a bridge builder, who treasured relationships, very caring and generous.

 Goes out of her way to please family members and friends.

I will miss her so much, every time sent me fabrics,food etc.

what ever she had she shared with friends and family.

She was extremely loving, caring,committed and devoted to everyone  who came her way.

She earned her name Darling.

God will comfort and console her dear husband,lovely children,grandchildren, brothers, sisters,nephews ,nieces and extended family members and friends whom she loved and devoted her whole life and time to please.

Darlin,you are dearly loved and sadly missed.

May God grant you perfect peace and eternal rest in the bosom of our Lord.Amen 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽✝️✝️💐


Your Friend and Sister,

Daisy (Lady D)



I thought I saw her beautiful face and heard hearty laugh today In the sparkle of the morning sun. And then I heard the angel say, "Her work on earth is done." though your work on earth might be done, your presence, memories and wise counsel would remain in my heart forever.  Rest in Peace, my Aunt.

You showed me unconditional love, from the first day I set my eyes on you, You loved like no other, cared like no other, guided and led like no other, you are loved and will be greatly missed.  Rest in Peace, my Aunt.

What earth lost heaven gained, Look what's happening in heaven, A cheer went up as she walked through the gate. Rest in Peace, my Aunt.

 I love you Aunty Darling.


Salama Oduguwa



OSAYANMO – God’s Child

The news of the passing of Darlin came as a rude shock to us.

We will miss her friendship.

We will miss her kindness.

We will miss her sense of style.

We will miss her entrepreneurial spirit.

We will miss her “Can do” business attitude.

Above all we will miss her hearty laugh and beautiful smile.

May God continue to protect the loved ones she left behind.

Rest in Perfect Peace, Amen.

Edwin and Abimbola Guobadia



My dear Mrs Sofola, this is not a message I even remotely considered I ever would be writing. Yes, people die but you were meant to be here for us forever! You have always been there and I took it for granted that you always would be here.

E sistermwen!!!  I have spent the last couple of days trying to understand and come to terms with this reality.  The world feels a lot emptier without your care, your loving concern, your smile, your rich soulful laugh, your interrogations to ensure I am on the right path, your prayers for me. That "we can do it" drive, always knowing my back was covered as long as I had you....  oh that beautiful smile.  You meant so much to me,  this hurts too much.

Rest in peace, my dear cousin.

Your Etin. (Osaretin Oswald Guobadia)


My Aunty with the big heart. This should be a tribute for your 70th birthday, still feels like a bad dream. We give God the glory for a life well spent.

My Aunty was gracious; I always looked forward to greeting her at events as she always had a calm and welcoming smile with such an elegant poise. Always unruffled by the happenings around her and making you feel so accepted.

Aunty Yamo was simply amazing; the glue who held all together, she loved family so passionately. I recall those sleepovers after the late Christmas parties, a full house with kids that was always how it went.

My Aunty was thoughtful; when she was unavoidable absent for an occasion, Aunty would send souvenirs ahead for the occasion.

There was no time we met, she won’t ask after my husband and son, never forgetting their names. Even introducing herself to my husband when she met him at the supermarket.

Memories are all we’ve got now, we shall hold on to them and cherish them....My Aunty with the heart of gold, your legacy lives on.

May your soul respect in perfect peace, Amen.

- Orobosa Adenusi (Née Giwa-Osagie)


 Tribute To Mrs. Darlin Osayanmo Sofola

Darlin was my friend and sister - friendship of about fifty years.

She was a very hard working and industrious woman. She turned everything she touched to gold. She was greatly blessed with business acumen and invested in many ventures. She encouraged my husband and I to buy and develop the property we presently reside. In.

Darlin was quite dependable and was a pillar of support when my dear husband passed away. I will always remember her kindness and love.

Darlin was a woman of substance and a pride to many Benin people. She was a star and a role model to many Edo women. We are very proud of her achievements in life.

Her life revolved around her husband and children.  Darlin would go to any length to protect her family. She was very faithful and diligent in her ways.

On the 17th of January 2021, God’s finger touched Darlin and she went to be with her maker. She is sadly missed but we are comforted knowing she is in a better place in Heaven.

May her soul Rest in Peace. Amen.


Mrs. Esohe Odugbesan





Darlin, I never thought that the day would ever come when I would be writing this tribute! But who are we to query God - our creator and maker, who has decided to call you on this glorious exit, leaving us with broken hearts.

Osayanmo, I remember vividly the day I met you, young and pretty. When Kayode introduced you as his fiancée, I knew you were the right person, and you both were on the right path, a one way street, and ever since then, we have all stuck together as great friends.

Ah! Yanmo my Lady, Who will call me "Princeeee" in that special way that you have called me over the past 40+ years I have known you?

I will never forget your love for God and humanity, your meekness, your humility and strong belief that we must take everything to God who is all-knowing. I will never forget your selfless love and good thoughts for family, friends and anyone in need! I will never forget your belief that we must always help and support others, your non-discriminating attitude to all human beings, your passion for giving listening ears to all irrespective of age, ethnicity, or social status. You always gave sacrificially, and your love for justice supersedes all. I admire your integrity and sincerity in all circumstances, and your magnanimity towards everyone you came across. The legacy you have left behind, on all the landscape and paths you trod makes us all proud to know and call you our very own Darlin Sofola.

Your love for your children and all children trumps all. You wanted the best for them and I am glad that you got a chance to witness them grow up to be the great children that we are all proud of. Darlin, you were the pillar of the home, an awesome mother, a great wife, and your good works continue to live after you. We give God the glory and thanks for giving me, Abimbola and our family the grace to share a quality life with a very wonderful and God-fearing family like yours.

I would never have imagined that the last Luncheon at your home in November, 2020, where we were served with delicious dishes, would be our very last time of feasting together. That faithful day, we all had a wonderful time as always, because with Osayanmo at the table, there was never a dull moment, and this has been the case over the past 40+ years. I will forever cherish the fond memories of the numerous vacations that we have all taken together to multiple countries around the  world.

But alas, Darlin heard the call. She turned around and answered God's calling, leaving all that she was doing, unfinished and never looking back. The angels in heaven  are rejoicing because their ranks and files have increased by one great holy being. Darlin Osayanmo, you will remain in our hearts always and will never be forgotten. I pray that the Lord grants you eternal rest in paradise.

As for my good friend - Kayode, this is a desperate hour for you and the family but our good Lord will strengthen you. He will reduce your fear and increase your faith. He will take you away from the dominion of darkness and make the rest of your life a covenant of celestial grace. Your love for your children trumps all, they remain your Rock of Comfort. "O ye Olorun”





My Dearest Sis Darling,

I've known you all my life( your late father being my grandfather's God son) our families being close. Then you being my senior at Queens School.

You were a lovely soul, a great old school  music aficionado and quirky storyteller on our old girls association social media platform.

You were a seriously hard worker with all your many endeavors.You will be greatly missed.

I pray God comforts and strengthens your family in Jesus Name. Amen.


Agape Yeside Asekun-Oriyomi



We celebrate her life and every single life she touched

Memories  and friendships we hold dearly.

We know she would be here with us today if Heaven was not so far away

We do not want you to be uninformed about those who sleep in death, so that you do not grieve like the rest of mankind, who have no hope.

For we believe that Jesus died and rose again, and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in him......

And so we will ALL be with the Lord forever.

Adieu our  dearest cousin and friend.  


Folarin and Sheri Williams


A life well spent. Death has taken someone special. A  very beautiful woman. A mother, sister, aunty.. Mrs Darling Sofola, who has a heart of gold. May your gentle soul rest in peace amen  We love you, but the Lord loves you more.


Love from Joy Guobadia


Goodnight My Twin, Our Sister

Good bye Darlin, our true, loyal and incredible friend and Sister. My TWIN. We thank God for the wonderful opportunity of experiencing this incarnation with such a beautiful, caring, reliable and loving soul. You had time for everyone and made everyone feel so special.

Your light shone brilliantly showing others the way as you worked tirelessly for God and humanity, loving others as yourself and God above all. You were truely a twin sister and a caring and faithful friend and Sister.

Yes, we will miss you. Your children will miss an exceptional mother but we are comforted that you have gone to a better place. Your legacy will live on in and through Kolade, Juwon and Nat, Bukky and Lanre and Dipo..... and the many you had the opportunity to mother when you were here with us.

May God comfort your soul mate and darling husband your children, grandchildren, and the many family members and friends you left behind. We know that where love binds, there is no separation. See you, when we meet to part no more.

Darlin, you have ran a beautiful race and now is time to March on triumphantly in the light.


Abiodun & Olusegun Aganga CON



It is with a deep sense of regret but with thanksgiving to the Almighty God that we pay this tribute to a woman of God, sister, friend, wife, mother and grandmother.

Mrs. Darlin Sofola  was a virtuous wife and true mother in Israel. Your outstanding love and devotion to your husband, children and grandchildren is undoubtedly the mark of  a virtuous woman of God.

 You fought a good fight and you ended your race well.  We love you and will surely miss you greatly, but God loves you more.  We are privileged to call you our sister. May your soul rest in perfect peace.

 May the Lord comfort and strengthen your husband Mr. Kayode Sofola, the children and grand children, your siblings and the entire family and friends in Jesus name, Amen!

Till we meet again. Continue to rest in the bosom of our savior and Lord Jesus Christ.


Dr. & Mrs. Taiwo & Opeoluwa Kayode


I wish l can kiss some of the pain off your soul. Truth is that l do not know how. I will therefore not plague you with empty nothings. But there are some facts l may allude to for whatever they are worth. It is a sort of searing and soul wrenching roll call: Zeze, Bobo and now Darling. Beautiful, vivacious but very gentle Darling. And, my poor Osato is there taking all the merciless beatings.Take heart, my dear or between what we deserve and what happens to us, there is often no connection whatsoever as in this case. But, we can query the Godhead and so we must resign these matters in His hands. Who knows whether these series of misfortunes informed God making you the head of your family. Who knows? I do  not know either. As an outsider, it is difficult for me to imagine a world in which Darling will be spoken of in the past tense. But,  the Obarisiagbon of Benin must be strong. He must rise above these terrible blows  to provide the necessary direction, strength and leadership to the family. One last word. Death is a trip all living things must undertake sooner or later. So that in the end we are only haggling over the time. Thus humans who seek or Engineer the death of their fellows are not  only wicked. They are also compound fools for they must die in due course and they must account to our Maker for their wickedness. May the good LORD grant her eternal peace and may He devise ways console and wipe the tears the two families who mourn her most.May God bless and keep you.


From victor mbamalu kcob


Tribute to a Rare Gem

Its so hard to say good bye to someone I hold so dear to my heart. Death, they say is certain but the death of a selfless, kind-hearted, loving woman who came to earth mainly to touch lives is the most heartbreaking feeling.

Mrs Darling Sofola took me as her son, she was there for my family always, she had a wonderful forgiven heart. I remember several cases where in her words “kayode, I have forgiven them, I won't take up the case” these words can only come from a heart that forgives.

She went out of her way to ensure the welfare of every staff was met. Anyone who came across felt her love instantly.

She was a peaceful and loving soul, she lived a life of exemplary.

To God we came

To God we shall return.

You will be greatly missed.

May Allah (SAW) grant you Jannah-Al-Fridaus.


from Hon (Prince) Kayode & Dr Mrs Gbemisola Akiolu




Sister Darlyn was my senior in Queen's School Ibadan, but we grew closer many years after when our paths crossed in Lekki. She was a kind, loving and generous person. She was humourous and loved the good life. Be that as it may sound, she loved God with a passion.

We both attended a fellowship in Lekki and when they needed a place to worship, she gave up her space in Lekki for the group to meet free of charge.

Often times she would stop bye at my store just to say hello and gist. She went out of her way to invite me to her family functions and was never offended when I failed to show up. Ahhhhhh sis, I will miss your beautiful and ever smiling face. Your uncommonly educative and detailed posts will be missed on our WhatsApp forum. I take comfort in the fact that you lived a good life and you knew God. The gates of heaven are opened to you beautiful daughter of Zion.

May your soul rest in the bosom of your Maker and may The Lord comfort your husband whom you loved passionately, your children and grandchildren, the Giwa Osagie and Sofola families and The Queen's School Ede/Ibadan Old Girls.

Sleep on beloved until resurrection morning when we will meet to part no more.​


Aderanti Obileye Aborowa



Dear Sis,

Little did I know that you’d be called by God to come home. It broke my heart to lose you. I sit here and ponder how very much I’d like to talk to you today, there are so many things that we didn’t get to say or do. My sister, I know how much you care for your husband, children, family and friends and I know you will surely miss them all all just like we miss you. You did not go alone, for part of us went with you. The day God called you home you left us precious memories.

Your love for me and my family is my guide and though I cannot see you, you are always by my side.

You had so much to live for, you had so much to do, that it seems impossible that God was taking you. Your life on earth is past, in Heaven it’s a new start that I can understand why God would want such a beautiful angle on his side from now until eternity.

Just know that I love and miss you and you will live for eternity, just as God has promised.

This is my tribute to you my wonderful big sister.


Gina Curtis



This is a huge shock and hard to write this as a tribute or thinking of her as gone.

I remember Aunty Yanmo as far back as I can recollect memories. She was a dear cousin to my late Mother Mrs E.W Kadiri and they were close. When she was younger she worked in Federal School of Arts and Sciences in Victoria Island. We lived in Victoria Island then, she came by every day and she would spend hours there jisting with my mom. She then helped me with my admission into the school to retake my O’Levels.

After my Mom passed on in 2014, she kept in close with me. Last year she even sent me a Christmas Cake and drinks.

The one thing that fascinated me was  the way she used to say “tabi” instead of “abi”.

Wow Aunty, this is a huge blow and a big shock. But like they say we can’t question God.

I pray the Holy Spirit comforts Uncle Kayode (my siblings and I always talked about how close they are), her lovely Children and grandchildren, Giwa Osagie family and Oloke family at large.

May her beautiful and kind soul rest peacefully in the Lord’s bosom. Amen


Philomena Ohuoba


Sister Darling as I called her because she was my senior at school. She lived her name because she was always so warm, nice, friendly and always smiling.

One would fear most seniors in school but not Sister Darling. She was also very neat and I used to admire her well starched and well ironed school uniforms. As a junior to her, she was a role model.

Then our paths crossed again many years after. I admired her entrepreneurial spirit. Running a school, being a fabric merchant and more.

Sister Darling, may the joy you brought to many count for you as you journey home. I wish you eternal life. Amennnnn

Go well​


Olusola Sowemimo


words fail me when i received a late night call confirming your demise,sleep disappeared completely as i wonder the fraility of life,your relatively short life was so so inpactful to anyone that came in contact with you.As we cannot question God who knows the end from the beginning,we take solace in His word knowing we shall see again to part no more at resurrection,rest on sister Yanmo :

From your cousin Mrs Amen Obawede



What a rude shock to learn that you had passed!! Lord have mercy!!

I remember your smile. The last time I saw you was at the cinema where we had gone to watch “The Wedding Party” and you were seated in the Lobby as we came out of the theatre.

Rest in Peace Aunty and may God give your entire family the fortitude to bear this colossal loss


Yetunde Coker


My deepest condolences to Kayode and children and the entire Sofola and Giwa Osagie families.

May the Almighty God comfort and support you with His divine Presence now and always.

May light perpetual shine on our dearest sweet sister Darlin Sofola as she rests in the Lord in peace.

Funto Sonaiya


It is with deep sorrow and profound sense of loss that we commensurate with the Sofola and Giwa-Osagie families on the sudden transition of a dutiful and loving wife, mother, loyal and supporting sister, a dear in-law, and a charming friend, Mrs  Darlin Sofola

We pray that the Lord Almighty will grant the husband Kayode and children, her siblings, family, and friends strength to bear the loss. The Almighty will fill the vacuum left through her departure.

Darlin is a larger than life person. Her ability to mobilize family and friends together as hostess with the mostess is typified by the large number of people who traveled to Siri Lanka, Marbella, and Morocco for some of her family weddings, and birthdays. Always charming and ensuring her guests are comfortable and well entertained. Darlin is an extremely generous lady and took her Brother, Osato's friends as her own brother. When we became in-laws, our friendship became more intensified.

She has completed her path on this side of creation and finished very well. We pray that the Lord Almighty will send helpers to light her path into the Luminous Height.


Oladapo and Idowu  Ashiru


Darlin and I attended Queens School, Ibadan and University of Ibadan. This picture was taken at my 21st birthday party in 1975.

Kindly accept my heartfelt condolences. May the Lord of all comfort, comfort you all.

In sympathy, ​

Iyabode Okoro



​But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope. I Thess. 4.13 ...In a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed.

I Cor. 15.52

Mrs. Darlin Yanmo Sofola née Giwa Osagie

This is unbelievable... surreal . Ever since I can remember I always admired my Auntie Darlin.  She was a symbol of strength, beauty, wisdom and elegance not to talk of her diligence, she was tireless.  I was so proud to have her as a cousin and relation . She was not just any relation she was very caring and no matter where I went with Biodun my husband on expatriation she would find me and keep in touch

always always encouraging me . A few words here a certain look there that spoke volumes... in a way like Mama.. Mama Giwa-Osagie. (Late) I could always count on Auntie Darlin for advice and assistance. You see my own mother had left this world quite early and there weren’t that  many people I could turn to for objective and truthful advice or support. I must confess We had our differences .. the way a much younger sister sees things differently to an older sister. But her affection for me was never in question and my respect and esteem for her was constant..Auntie Darlin was excellent at bringing people together , building and nurturing relationships long before social -networking became a thing. She kept me informed and in the loop.

I will really miss her ... really gone too soon.

May her soul Rest In Peace . May the Lord strengthen and encourage Uncle and the Children and grand-children she left behind INJC amen.

AyoOluwa Ajike Afolabi née Disu


Darlin Sho!! as I fondly called her was a beautiful soul. Grossly misunderstood by many but I get her. She is plain hearted and generous to a fault. A hardworking sweet darling is gone!  I will miss you sorely. Sleep well dear friend and sister.                      

Lande Adesina




​My Words To A Rare Gem!


... A Precious One From Us Has Gone

A Voice We Loved Is Stilled

A Place Is Empty In The Family

Which Never Can Be Filled

Adieu... Darling Sofola!!

  From: Gbenga ODUSANYA

When I received the news that you had passed on into Glory, I was in shock. It was the last thing I expected to hear. My friends’ big sister! I look back and I remember your unique voice, your beautiful smile that would always light up your beautiful face, your beautiful, kind heart.......But we cannot question God. He knows all things  and does all things well. Heaven has indeed gained an angel. I know you are resting in the bosom of our Lord Jesus Christ whom you loved and served till the end.

You have fought a good fight, You have finished your course, You have kept the faith: Henceforth there is laid up for you a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give you... (2 Timothy 4:7, 8 KJV).

Rest in perfect peace, dear Mrs Sofola!

Hon. Justice J Efunkumbi Oyefeso



Mrs Sofola was a soft spoken angel...a loving,patient,industrious and reliable woman.Always ready to render assistance with a smile on her face.Thank you God for letting one of your beautiful angels spend time us.Till we meet again...sleep well ma.


Eki Ekong











Dear Darlin,

It is so surreal that I am writing a tribute in memory of you.

You were so much loved and adored by all, but the thought that you have gone to rest in the bossom of the Lord where you will feel no pain is comforting. 

We met in 1971 when we all enrolled at Our Lady of Apostles, in Ibadan. You left a year after but our friendship blossomed . As difficult as this maybe, am grateful that our paths crossed. Our amazing 50 years of friendship will forever be cherished .

You are a nightingale. Your life was noble, valued and dignified.  Your love,commitment and devotion to your husband and family was exemplary. Your kindness, generosity,hard work, commitment, dedication and accommodating spirit was exemplary.

You coordinated the bond of fellowship within your  immediate and extended families as well as  among your peers . You are an irreplaceable loss to ALL.

I remember with fondness your 60th birthday celebrations in Marbella in 2015, your dear husband’s 70th birthday in Morocco in 2019 and your attendance at the garden party in my residence exactly a year ago yesterday ,where we all danced to our hearts content; little did we realize that it will be the last get-together with you before the pandemic.

On behalf of my family and I, our deepest condolences to your dear husband, children and entire family at  this dark time.




Mrs. Foluke K. Abdulrazaq





I never imagined that I’d be writing a tribute in your memory, my dear sister, Darlin. Your passing was such a shock! I had to take solace in the Lord, and submit to his will.

You were a truly wonderful person, beautiful inside and out, - a very caring, loving and loyal friend. When we met in UI in 1973, little did I know that our friendship would span over 48yrs. We became close friends during our university days, especially in our second year, when we lived off campus. We had such fun in those days. I remember our eventful summer holiday in London, working at the Nigerian Embassy and our trip to Benin, to visit your parents, me, you and Yinkus. It was therefore not surprising that you invited me to live in your family house in Lagos, during our NYSC. We shared the same room and lived together as sisters for one full year. Back then, I was very much a member of the Giwa Osagie family and was accepted by everyone, including your wonderful parents.

Darlin, you were indeed a rare gem and you impacted every one you met, so positively. You were always so ready to give of yourself, your time and strived to be there for your family and friends. You were an exceptional wife and mother and loved your family so passionately. Your love for them was unconditional and I’m so glad that it was reciprocated by them. In fact my heart bleeds for my dear Egbon, and Big Bros Kayode and your lovely children and siblings. May the Lord comfort and console you all and grant you the fortitude to bear her irreparable loss. .. ..

You were ever so industrious and became our successful business woman extraordinaire. I admired your business acumen and your ability to keep going, - always opening up new businesses, and willing to delve into new areas. I remember those serious conversations about business. Yet you were ever so witty and so full of life, your jokes would send one rolling with laughter!!

It’s so amazing how you always kept in touch with all your numerous friends. You kept the line of communication flowing, and we exchanged numerous text messages, - you were ever so current about happenings. We always shared our joys and down times. You were a friend who stood by me and always showed up if you heard I’d been very ill. I remember the very useful wooden lap top stand that you made for me, after one of such visits because you were so concerned about further damage to my neck. I also tried to comfort and be there to encourage you through times of bereavement whenever a beloved family member passed on. Yet it’s the celebrations that I love to remember, especially the weddings of our children and close family members and the events. You had the most colourful society weddings, so well organized and such fun. We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves at our last lunch date at a restaurant in VI a long while ago and promised to plan subsequent hang outs which sadly, will never be … ..

Though you’ve gone to be with the Lord, I’m so thankful for your love and friendship and the beautiful memories. Adieu my lovely sister. I love you so much. May your gentle soul rest in perfect peace. 




Hmmm what can i say, our shining light Aunty Yanmo you had a large heart. It pleases the lord to take you now. Bible says in all things give thank. We thank God for your generous heart,

May it speak into generations unborn.

Our God who sits on the throne will continue to strengthen the entire family and give us all peace in Jesus name. Rest in peace my dear Aunry till we meet to part no more.

Sheri Izegbuwa


Mrs. Sofola, kind, loving and genuine. You loved your sister Yuware sooo much and you extended this love to us her friends. Thank you so much for your kindness towards me. You'll be fondly remembered.

Rest in peace Aunty.


Kemi Osiyemi


My first seminal memory of Aunty is of her sitting on the stairs of our home in Saka Tinubu Street, VI, with Uncle. I was later to understand that those were the days when she came to introduce Uncle to my darling mother of blessed memory.

I remember feeling a little resentful of this fella who appeared to be taking my beautiful Aunty’s attention – when I saw his BMW parked outside, I knew it was all over – one fine bobo had come to collect my Aunty - but alas, my sentiments were not important in the scheme of things and indeed those things became the source of great joy and love in the years to come, as I became close to the amazing couple – funny how God works these things out in the end.

Oh, how I admired this couple from far. The thing that mattered most in my life then was whether something or someone was cool or not and Aunty and Uncle were the cool couple. As I grew older, making my own way in the world, the first thing I did with my young bride was to introduce her to this Uncle and Aunty of mine. I was determined to show her that she had married into royalty. I remember Eno and I declaring after one of our many visits that we definitely wanted to be like them. Validation would come from my mother. Everytime she talked about Aunty, it would be about how bright, sensible, ambitious for those she loved and blessed she was.

The Sofolas are my mentors. Watching Kolade, Buki, Jowon and Dipo with their fine manners, refined conduct and easy charm – you guys were the blueprint that I am sure many of us followed. When the call would come to attend a Sofola shing-ding anywhere in the world, you would have to be truly indispensable to miss a groove that would be the talk of the town for the year. What is the point of being here on earth if you are not here to love life?

I remember walking into Uncle’s office a few months ago and doing what I loved to do with him. Throw a question and wait for the education and as he broadened and expanded my intellect, he would always somehow, someway talk about Aunty. What a couple. What inspiration. When you become the very best of yourselves, you elevate not just your circumstances, but you improve the outcomes for those who watch you and aim to walk where you once trodden.

Just like that first time, sitting on our stairs with her then boyfriend soon to be Husband, and when my feelings at the time did not matter, I have come to understand that in life, the major things that happen to us are never of our own doing. To exit this earth is the final bow before God whether we like it or not. It is better that we accommodate faith, for it is the easiest way to accept that which we will never understand or even sometimes appreciate.

But just like I got to be enriched by the Sofolas as defined by my Aunty Darlin, so it is that we pray that God will make it alright in the end when we have another shing ding in a place of everlasting life!



On occasion  like this, one is always  short of words but in every situation, we give thanks to God

It is not how old one lived, but how well, the achievements, influence and the impact one has had on others

Darling was our classmate  at Anglican Girls School, Lagos She was brilliant gentle, kindhearted, loving, God fearing  and easygoing

Her death was a rude shock to us

May the Almighty God grant her husband, children, Sweet and the entire family  the strength to bear this irreparable loss

May her kind, sweet and gentle soul rest in perfect peace


Taiwo Layeni/Kehinde  Ashimi

(The Twins)



Mrs Sofola” as she was fondly called was mother and friend to all. The last I heard from her was through a WhatsApp message two days before Christmas last year 2020. I never realised that would be the last that I would be hearing from her. The news of her demise came as a rude shock which up till now remains difficult to process. We pray that the Almighty God will grant her eternal rest and comfort the family and friends she has left behind to mourn her. May her gentle soul rest in perfect peace. Amen.


John and Yejide Wyse







My phone rang early afternoon on Sunday of 17th January 2021 (when I was still in church) it was Motunde; Motunde calling me at that time was rather unusual and suggestive. I quickly picked up the call and shakily asked Motunde; Are you okay? She responded Edosa where are you? The minute I responded she began to yell “Mrs. S is gone, she is gone and wept uncontrollably.

I was dumbfounded, many questions came to my mind. How can that be? What do you mean? I screamed Aunty Darling, my own big sister is gone? O my God! Not at a time when I was loving my relationship with Aunty more and more.

Aunty Darlin’s death re-echoed in my mind that life is like a mist that appears for just a day then disappears the next day and all that we are, quickly fade away and gets replaced with tears and sorrow only to be remembered by the legacies we left behind.

Our Darling Aunty D was very industrious, we admired her for that. She was also a symbol of strength, very diligent and meticulous which can be testified by all who came her way.

We are honestly consoled she lived a life that impacted on so many of us, very generous to a fault, always blessing us her younger ones and our spouses with presents and gifts especially during the yuletide period. My husband Pastor Isaac Ogbeide who I know was one of her confidant is almost a wreck at this time. The news of “Aunty D’s” demise was a rude shock and we wished it was a bad dream.

It is still so fresh in my memory how Aunty Darlin and Isaac would spend hours discussing issues of mutual interest, I could hear him give Mrs. S his candid opinion and Godly counsel on various matters that required peaceful resolution. O how they bonded so well together, you would think he was her blood brother.

We can’t believe there was no farewell, no time to say goodbye.

This sudden exit is very heart breaking and difficult to accept. I am however glad we have good memories of sister Darlin.

Adieu our darling ‘Aunty D’ you will be greatly missed but I believe we shall meet again in God’s bosom.

Edosa Ogbeide




Aunty, as I fondly called her was a woman always full of life.

She was courageous, firm, family oriented and with a kind heart. She believed so much in things being done decently and in order. 1st Corinthians 14:40.

When pursuing a course, she acted like a ‘bulldozer’ and will make her points very clear, showcasing her concerns very explicitly.

We communicated in Edo language most of the time. She was very particular about high moral standards, traditional values, godliness and contentment. The news of her passing on to glory came to me as a rude shock. We however take consolation in the fact that she is now with Lord, so she has a place in the bosom of the Almighty God.

My fervent prayer goes to all the loved ones left behind, for the comfort of the Holy Spirit.

Aunty touched many lives and lived a fulfilled life.

We will miss her very dearly.



Pastor Isaac Ogbeide




To a beloved cousin and friend Darlin. You were always so considerate, caring and warm. In fact, you were a bridge builder in many ways, selflessly reaching out and touching lives across boundaries and obstacles. Certainly our loss is Heaven’s gain!!  I remember in the 60s when the Edo-Osagies would visit Lagos from Port Harcourt and always stay in your family home, The Giwa-Osagies. How extremely warm you always were . You had remained constant!

  May we mourn as those who have Hope. We pray for your soul to Rest In Peace and that the Lord would comfort your husband Kay and beautiful children, siblings, including the entire Oloke family.

Adieu! ‘ Oloke No Mose’  Until the Resurrection Morn!


Barr( Mrs) Efe Edo-Osagie Omole





Tribute to Mama Kolade

What a very rude shock!!! Where do I begin from, where do I end? How do I come to terms with the passing to glory of an Ever Smiling, Beautiful and Generous Soul that is fondly called Ma Kolade, who sent me a Christmas Hamper as recent as December 24, 2020????. The last time I saw Ma Kolade was on Saturday December 5, 2020 when Bisola and I went to commiserate with her and Papa Kolade on the loss of junior Mrs Sofola, to covid. She was clearly distraught but promptly sent me a thank you message the next day.

To an extent, Ma Kolade treated me the same way she treated her sister in-law, Bisola. I was permanently on her Christmas list. I was invited to every family event in Sri Lanka, Marbella, Morocco, Fontaine Bleu, Lagos, Benin, Ikene, etc and she always gave me the Aso-Ebi to wear. She took me as a junior sister!

Ma Kolade was like an Iroko Tree (Obirin Mewa!). A multifaceted entrepreneurial woman. One day, she told me all her business exploits in education, catering, event and mall management, real estate management, bakery, fabric retailing. I was totally in awe of her achievements. She was a rallying point in her immediate and extended family. Always wanting her children, nieces, nephews, siblings and in-laws to succeed.

Aunty Darlin was truly a D-A-R-L-I-N-G. Only God knows why he took her so soon. I will miss her dearly!!! May the good Lord comfort Pa Kolade, Kolade, Juwon & Nathalie, Buki & Lanre, Dipo, the Giwa-Osagies and the Sofolas at this difficult time.

On behalf of the Dr. Adetokunbo Alakija Family, Sleep on, Sleep on, Ma Kolade.


Foluke Alakija (Mrs)




Mama Kolade, I am in total shock about your passing and I just can’t process it. The last time I saw you, you were your smiling, busy self…just getting on with things as usual. And it is that smiling face I will always remember.

You lived just like your unique name - A Darling to all; Amiable, Radiating light around, Loving, Inclusive and  Natural.  I guess God understands why he called you now, even though we can’t.  Big sis, may your lovely and generous soul rest in peace. Amen.

Barbara Lawrence


I was shocked and my heart was greatly saddened at the sad news of Darlin’s sudden passing on to glory.  I still find it hard to believe that she is no longer with us.

Darlin was a dutiful wife, a loving mother and a doting grandmother.   She had an extensive circle of friends, and to them she was generous with her time and love.  Loyal,helpful and an encourager to all.   She will be sadly missed by many.

To Darlin’s family who she loved so much, I say celebrate the life of this remarkable woman.  I wish you peace to bring comfort, courage to face the days ahead and loving memories to forever hold her in your hearts.   May the Lord guide and protect you always.

I pray God will grant Darlin perfect rest.


 Demi Ibare-Akinsan



I  met Aunty Darling sometime in September, 2018 even though i have heard so much about her from Seun.  Segun and i were coming from New York and decided to stop over in London to see Seun. Seun then arranged for us to go to Dinner and had already invited Toye’s mum Bobo and Aunty Darling.

She was so warm, simple, and easy to talk to that we connected immediately. The other thing that struck me was her love for her sister, Bobo. She was looking out for her constantly and making sure she was comfortable. This endeared me to her even more and of course her smile!!

After that day, we started getting in touch with one another frequently and of course Bobo’s condition made us even closer. One would think i have known her all my life. I found her very easy going and a prayerful woman. She never gave up on Bobo and her faith in God encouraged me. She treats Seun like a daughter and a member of her family. She was a kind hearted and generous lady and always showers us with gifts.

Our relationship grew stronger after Bobo’s passing and i could discuss any issue with her and vice versa. When we were planning Toye and Seun’s Wedding, she was a pillar of Strength and support. Her strength and energy was on another level. She wanted the best and was not ready to settle for less. We worked together as a team and also like sisters. Her advice on certain pressing issues was priceless and she made everything seem so easy. I will forever be grateful to God for letting our paths cross.

It was with great sadness that we received the news of the transition of Mrs Darlin Sofola. It was a huge blow that we did not see coming. However, we must accept the will of God. She was a mother to us all at the firm. She checked on us collectively and individually- genuinely concerned about our wellbeing and welfare. At Christmas, she always sent us fabrics – brocade for the men and lace for the ladies. She periodically equipped our office kitchen for our comfort at work. She was extremely kind and generous to everyone she met, very giving of her time and affection.

We cherish the memories we have of time spent in her company. We will always remember her charming and warm personality and hearty laughter.

We love and miss her but God loves her more.

Rest in the bosom of God, our dearest Mrs Darlin Sofola.

Forever in our hearts!

KS Legal Family



Argh!!!!!!!! Auntie the news of your passing came as a rude shock and I am still trying to come to terms with it.Ever since I became Yuware’s sister friend in our Guaranty Trust Bank days you also took me as your “aburo” and made me feel very welcome. I had to go back to check your messages and I still saw those you sent in December.Thank you for all your well wishes.Wow...This is difficult to believe.

Auntie you were so energetic and full of life.You juggled so many things and you just kept going never getting weary.You were a very kind,committed,caring and loyal sister to my friend  Yuware and by extension we her friends.In matters like this just like all others we have to defer to God.We thank God for the very impactful life you lived and for your lovely family.May God comfort them and all your loved ones.May your  lovely, lovely soul Rest In Peace auntie.


Bunmi Odunowo



To My Darling, Auntie Darlin.

Still cannot find words to describe the pain of your demise since the news broke last Sunday. Being I highly emotional person I cried out my heart and if flood of tears could push you back I would willingly pour it. Not a scintilla of notice, not an

opportunity to bid you goodbye. I was worried when in your final week on earth I did not hear from you unknown to me of your predicament.

You were humble and unassuming, you valued friendship and found time to call just to say hello. I had gotten used to seeing your messages on a daily basis. We shared prayers, old time music, jokes and political issues where we sometimes disagree. She believed in the promise of our state Edo as well as our country.

It was early morning of June 5, 2020, she called me and as we spoke she reminded me she turned 65 on that beautiful day even though I had sent her my best wishes for two years. I prayed with her and will always remember her appreciation of God’s blessings.

December 5, 2020, I told her I was attending a wedding ceremony in a church with my family and she advised that we go home immediately because of health concerns. I let her know that we were not attending the reception.

I remember the support from her and Uncle Kayode during my parents funeral.

Sad to think that it’s all come to abrupt end. It’s going to take a while to get used to not hearing from you. In any case, you have left precious memories that I hold dear and will linger.

The lord be with you and may you Rest In Peace.


Iyare Sonaiya



The news of the death of Mrs Darling Sofola came to me as a huge shock. I have memories of her kindness and infectious smile.

Life and death are in the hands of our Almighty God. He gives and takes. We can't question him.

Life continues to teach us a lesson that we are on earth for  a very short period of time.

Heaven and hell is real. Tomorrow might be too late let's us prepare for our final home in paradise to be with Our Lord Jesus Christ.

I miss you but the Angels and saints in  heaven are Rejoicing that a saint has come home.

Rest in the bosom of our Redemeer.


Chief Miranda Mosheshe



It is with great sadness that I write to you, on behalf of my entire organization to send you our condolence on the death of Mrs Sofola.

She was such a gentle and kindhearted woman who lived a good life.

I will always remember her generous nature.

May God comfort the family, staff and all those she left behind.

Yours Sincerely,

Peremobo Myke-Fadipe For: Weiboro Properties Ltd.




It is with great pain in my heart and tears in my eyes that I write this tribute. Though I have heard of Mr Darlin Sofola over the years, I never got to know and experience her till when some years ago, we constituted an informal committe to Celebrate our dear Sisi Rose Erewa-Danmole 70th birthday when she kicked off the celebration by donating her Event Center at Lekki for the Hosting of the Birthday Party. Subsequently, we get to meet continuously at Sisi Rose place and at one family event or another.What came across very strong for me, was her warm and generous nature.

She was always giving of her self and her resources.

She got to know that I run the Morgan Smart Dev Foundation a Women and Youths NGO based in Warri that was running a scholarship program for Students from poor homes and she came a regular donor. She on several occasions sent me gifts whenever I was celebrating my birthday or some special events including a Thanksgiving I recently held in Nov, 2020 when with an apology for not attending, she sent me a beautiful outfit.

How can such a beautiful, gentle, warm and generous soul just slip away from us just like that. But then, who are we to question God.

Our dear Mrs Darlin Sofola,you have ran a good race and left an idelible prints behind for posterity to remember.

May God forgive you all your sins and grant your eternal rest in His bossom.

My heart felt condolences to her beloved husband, children, family and friends that she left behind.

Rest in Perfect Peace. Amen.


Dr Omawumi Evelyn Urhobo


I received with the utmost shock and disbelief the passing of our dearest friend and sister , Darlin. I met her at the University of Ibadan in 1973 at Queens Hall  and immediately was attracted to her forthrightness , simplicity and sweet nature. I recall with nostalgia how we used to get together during the holidays at her parents house at Adelabu surulere and even once accompanied her to Benin city where we met her parents and some other family members. We really had fun ! Darlin radiated so much  warmth, peace and love that it was always a privilege to be with her. She really appreciated,  cherished and held on to old relationships which of course was mutual , given her lovely nature . When she turned 50 some years ago , her late father in law spoke so glowingly about her , which confirms her wonderful attributes . I am so glad I spoke to her only a few weeks before her passing , not knowing it would be the last ! . I will surely miss that warm smile , the delectable manners and that aura radiating a lot of peace  and love .

My condolences go to her husband , children , grandchildren and the entire family .

Adieu to a beautiful soul . Rest in the bosom of The Lord , dearest Darlin.


Adeyinka Okuboyejo (Ms)


What can I say about this beautiful aunty whose name, Darling, said it all. You were such a darling. You were so beautiful inside out, generous, kind, loving, cared so much about people.

Very encouraging, strong and never give up on anything. Your lovely smile illuminated people's lives. Heaven just gained one of the most loving woman that ever lived.

Rest in Peace my aunty Darling. Love you dearly.


Funmi Isijola


 My dear Darlin (Yanmo) words can’t express how I feel upon hearing the news of your passing. I have known you for over 40 years and throughout our friendship I always loved and respected you. You were a virtuous woman amongst other good qualities you had. You were a good and loyal wife and a Pillar within your family who always encouraged togetherness. You were a committed and loyal friend always giving mature, objective advice and constructive criticism when necessary. You were always magnanimous in settling differences with your peers.

You had a strong personality, you were driven and extremely hard working. Whatever you put your mind to, you accomplished no matter the obstacle.

You were humble, modest and compassionate, always trying to settle differences between friends and always there to give candid positive advice when it involved marital issues.

You were blessed with your loving husband and four beautiful children who you raised to be modest, humble, hard working and level headed. You were a source of pride to your family.

I remember all the fun times we had from our university days to adult life. You will be greatly missed and we all loved you. I can only imagine what your family is going through as they have lost a gem. My heart goes out to your beloved husband Kayode and your beautiful children.

My dear Yanmo I will miss you greatly. Rest in perfect peace. Amen


Your Sister

Mrs Ore Williams




Darlin was a gentle  and friendly individual,we had a short time together at Queens  School when I went for my A levels. We met a few times after that and she would react as if  we had known each other for long. It was easy to make friends with her,because she was always smiling. The WhatsApp group we shared with her will not forget  her contributions in haste ,she participated fully. May her gentle soul rest in perfect peace,she will be greatly missed by our set. What a colossal loss. My heart goes to her husband and children, may the good Lord comfort them by His spirit  in Jesus name.  Amwn.


Pst (Ms)Monilola Ogunsanya



 My precious dearest DARLIN

Unforgettable- your life -  your way

This Frank Sinatra song it’s for you .

  *MY WAY *

And now, the end is near

And so I

face the final curtain

My friends, I'll say it clear

I'll state my case of which I'm certain

I've lived a life that's full

I traveled each and every highway

But more, much more than this

I did it my way

Regrets, I've had a few

But then again, too few to mention

I did what I had to do

And saw it through without exemption

I planned each chartered course

Each careful step along the byway

But more, much more than this

I did it my way

Yes, there were times, I'm sure you knew

When I bit off more than I could chew

But through it all, when there was doubt

I ate it up and spit it out

I faced it all and I stood tall

And did it my way

I've loved, laughed and cried

I've had my fill, my share of losing

And now, as tears subside

I find it all so amusing

To think I did all that

And may I say, not in a shy way

Oh no, no, not me

I did it my way

For what is a man, what has he got

If not himself then he has not

To say all the things he truly feels

And not the words of one who kneels

The record shows, I took the blows

But I did it my way.

Shannon Adler said “ carve your name on hearts not tombstones “

Osayanmo - - - that’s what you have done - - - Your LEGACY is etched on the hearts of everyone that crossed your path.

As you rest my beloved, Be rest assured that it shall be well with all your loved ones IJMN, amen.

Sleep on beautifully and peacefully with your Lord, Maker and Saviour.

Already Missing you and that your infectious smile , our endless gisting and much more.

Love you Loads my adorable sister,


Yinkus baby as you fondly call me

Yinka Idowu




It is so hard to come up with the right words to pay tribute to my beloved sister. Darlin, its surreal that you are no longer with us. A beautiful, humble, hardworking, sweet, caring sister - truly a darling.

The wonderful time we all recently had as your guests in celebration of your husband in Morocco was one of several examples.  You got such a large, diverse group of people together, and everyone spoke of you in such kind words, that 'only Darlin (and her family) can pull this off.' 💞

I remember you excitedly calling to tell me about potential business ventures over the years, inviting me to get involved in the Mr Biggs franchise, telling me to join you at the airport (where you had a restaurant) to open a jewelry shop, and so many others. Thats a testament of your genuine love and care for others.

Oh Darlin, just a few weeks ago, when you heard I was at a function in Ikorodu, you sent a message saying 'Hajiya, be careful, this COVID is real oh, I am still mourning my sister inlaw,' and I reassured you that I have been staying indoors as much as possible... Oh Darlin 💔

The tears are still flowing, and the heartache is still so difficult, but God knows best.  To Him we shall all return, and we are grateful for the several decades He let us share in your gracious company. I pray your sweet soul rests in peace and He grants your family and loved ones the fortitude to bear the loss. Adieu my sweet sister, you will be dearly missed...


Lots of love,

Hajia Laraba Hamida Ibrahim





I still find it difficult to believe that the sweet gentle soul is gone.Always smiling and watching out for family and friends

I can not imagine how her loving ever devoted husband, her wonderful children and grandchildren will be coping. I pray the Almighty God will comfort and strengthen them

To the Giwa-Osagies she was a pillar. God in his infinite mercy will ease the pain in Jesus name amen.

To her friends and acquitances, she was truly a darlin. May God console us all amen

Heaven has received an Angel. Rest in peace a generous and loving soul


Subuola Owokoniran​


​Saying goodbye is difficult, I think, the saying is. Saying goodbye to a true friend is worse than difficult !

I pray such does not reoccur. It is not only difficult, it is PAINFUL, VERY PAINFUL. Words fail me, emotions elude me. I can’t fathom this!

Darlin and I used to tease our mums, God rest their souls. We  wondered what they always had to talk about. We were younger  and carefree until wham! It hit us, we have become like our late mums! We would talk about our children, our finances, our situations, everything under the Sun. Never a dull moment, happy moments, sad moments. We would laugh about how ridiculous the children will find us when we become 80 years old if we are like this now and we would laugh harder.  We did not envisage this slap!

We didn’t see this coming!

Covid-19 has snatched my friend away from me!

Covid-19 has taken my sister away!


I thank God we had those years together, beautiful years of growing up, of friendship, of mischiefs, of more joys than sadness and our love of God. Darlin’s unparalleled kindness and generosity of heart, her willingness to help, her joy at the other person’s success. Oh! I can go on and on. Darlin was an angel. They come like a flash and before you know it, they are gone! They leave you wondering what has just hit you! They leave you confused and in denial! I think I am still in a seeming denial! I simply can’t fathom this!

The Bible tells us to be thankful in ALL situations. Hmmmmn!

I choose to look ahead trusting God to rest her beautiful soul, trusting God to take good care of her, trusting God to love her as she truly deserves.

I thank God for giving her to me not just as a friend but as a sister.

It’s been a rare privilege for which I am eternally grateful.

I believe you are resting in the bosom of God now Darlin. It is an understatement to say Kayode, the children and grandies will miss you but knowing we serve a faithful God, they are in good hands.

So rest on my darling Darlinskwe, God has you where He wants you.


Missing you dearly.

Bisi Banjo (née ADEOLA)

Your Abis


​Mrs Darling Yanmo Sofola, Nee Giwa -Osagi, will be greatly missed.

During my years of service , when i came to know you,  you always had a smile on your beautiful face whenever you saw me and called my name.

Several times you invited us,  the Coker's Boys to your home to have lunch.

We will miss a gentle woman of our time.

Rest well with the Lord


DSP Napoleon Idabor (Rtd)

Former late DIG Jenkins Adebayo Olubunmi Coker's Boy


Aunt Darlin, I am still grieve stricken at the news of your passing, but I know we cannot question God.

You were an epitome of beauty, calm, generosity and exuded the love of family and God at all times. No one visited you and left empty handed. You always had the right answers and will assist to solve whatever challenge even if you had to go out of your way.

You were that glue that brought the family together. You were that great intercessor, you loved God and you served God till your last breath.

May you beautiful soul rest in perfect peace.

Never had the chance to say thank you for taking care of our Mummy Roseline Danmole.

I thank you for always being there for our Mummy, may your children never lack helpers in Jesus name.

Rest on dear triumphant saint.

Sorely Missed,

Olalonpe Atunrase




The Most Painful Goodbyes Are The Ones That Are Never Said And Never Explained. Because a million words would not bring you back,i know because I've tried. Neither would a million tears bring you back i know because I've cried. Rest in peace in the bossom of our Lord.


Orhorhawori Happiness


Aunty Darlin,

We are so saddened by your untimely exit. It is really painful.

We are however comforted by the assurance that we have in scripture that you have joined the Saints Triumphant. Your testimonial is that you loved your God and you served Him diligently.

You were a prayer warrior. I remember the prayer links and videos you shared with us regularly....the music, the jokes, and agbalumo 😊. You always had a kind word, and advice on navigating both the practical and intangible terrains of life.

You were so full of light and love, and generous of spirit and resources. Thank you for being a great cousin, friend and companion to my mum – Rose Erewa-Danmole.

As you join the Hallelujah chorus, we bid you goodnight. May your kind soul rest in perfect peace.


Laitan Lawanson


​My tribute to a loving Aunty

I met you through the family of your brother, Uncle Osaretin, and over the years you’ve treated me like a younger sister.

You were so humble, always smiling, and incredibly kind. When my mother passed in October 2020, you sent souvenirs to Benin City to be shared in her honour. When I returned to Lagos, I thought it necessary to visit you personally to express my gratitude- little did I know that my visit on the 16th of December 2020 was the last time I would see you on this mortal earth. We discussed scriptures extensively and you gave me the “Pray your way into 2021” MFM prayer book. I’m grateful for that time we got to spend together.

You’ve now gone home to meet your God and Saviour, Jesus Christ. May God remember your numerous works as He did for King Hezekiah and comfort your dear family in the Name of Jesus. Amen.

Rest in peace, my dear Aunty.


Edna Agusto


She was an inspiring soul always there for all who came to her with their troubles with kind words and wise advice. Her home was open to everyone and her warm hospitality made everyone feel important. She was the most loving, humble, compassionate, understanding, family orientated woman and one of the most beautiful souls one could ever meet.

I miss you everyday and love you so much Ma. RIP


Ebenezer Akalumhe




I don't know where to begin, all I keep thinking is how I wish I had one more opportunity to see you momo,if only you could see the tears in the world you left behind,if only you could heal our heart just one more time.I write with tears in my heart,but comforts me with thoughts of the life you have lived on earth,a  life worthy to emulate, I am consoled with the thoughts of you in heaven, singing Hallelujah with the Angels.I love you momo,you are in my thoughts daily if not hourly, I want you to know that I miss you so much momo but God knows better.

Adieu momo, till we meet to part no more.

From ANI FLORENCE .aka.Floxy



Loved and caring mummy, you are always there for me in many times, you have always been my helper from the very first time, you also helped me got a job in your company pinepark ltd, which my family are all  benefitting from.....

It's so painful you left us early, how I wish I could turn the clock around for you to come back, I will be happy ...

Will always have you in my heart and forever  ....

Missing you dear mummy


From Adeyemi Francis

Pinepark ltd


Mama as we all fondly call you, I am sooo pained but with submission to the will of God, I wish you eternal rest.....

You are a gem 💎, a Solution to everyone's challenges, Always there to listen and advice, a fighter who believes nothing is unachievable..

I will Soo miss your motherly role, David is still asking about "Grand ma Lekki" as he calls you..

We love you but God loves you more..

Thank you for the time we spent together.....

Rest on.... GREAT WOMAN!!!!!!!!!





Darlin Osayanmo Kayode-Sofola neè Giwa-Osagie has been my friend since 1968 when she joined us in form 2 at Queen's School Ibadan (QSI). Yanmo was very slim (weren't we all), dark skinned, pretty and had her enchanting signature smile that won us all. We were friends then, even though we were not in the same class or dormitory. We were friends then as most "Lagos" girls were (with a chip on our shoulder), schooling in Ibadan. At that time we were ftiends but the friendship was nothing close to what it became later in life.

I left QSI in 1971 after my O levels and our paths hardly crossed while she was in University of Ibadan and I was in the University of Ife (Great Ife). However, our friendship took a sharp turn in 1980 when I met my husband - Gbolahan, through another friend. Gbolahan happened to be a very close friend to Yanmo's husband and was the best man at their wedding. Yanmo then quickly stepped in and became the "alareno" - the go between and background information source for Gbolahan. The rest is history and Kayode was bestman at our wedding in 1981 - one good turn, deserves another.

From 1981, Yanmo hardly called me Bimbola; I became "Princesssssss" and she always said it in that her special way that only she knew, that made you feel good. She made you and all her numerous friends feel very singled out as a special friend. I definitely know that we were special.

Yanmo became a treasured friend and sister, very kind, giving, caring and loving. Yanmo always wanted the best for everyone. She wanted everybody to have what she had. She would introduce you to whatever venture or project she was into and urge you to go after it too. Yanmo was always uplifting and in support of your growth. May God rest her beautiful soul. Amen!

 I know that most people's tribute will be laden with Yanmo's wonderful attributes and I hereby certify that all they have said are true and nothing but the truth.

When my husband was elected to the position of a Senator of the Federal Republic of Nigeria representing Ogun west in 2015, Yanmo insisted on throwing us a lavish celebration party and insisted that we invite as many people as we wanted. It is on record that only Yanmo and Kayode Sofola thought of holding a celebration reception for Gbolahan. That was a typical Yanmo gesture, which someone like me would never have thought of! God bless them both.

After my husband's 70th birthday celebration in February 2020, we didn't meet physically, due to the pandemic, until we met at a church service in November, where Yanmo insisted that we follow them home for lunch. Despite the fact that it was all impromptu,  Yanmo treated us to a sumptuous spread as usual and we spent hours gisiting at the table. Who would have known that it would be the last time of physically seeing our dear friend and sister on planet earth. Thank God we accepted that invitation.

Sunday, 17th of January 2021 is a day I will never forget! What a phone call, what terrible news, what shouting and screaming, what pain, what disbelief, what shock! Oh, what is life, but total vanity!!!

Ah! We will miss those critically planned trips and vacations you regularly organised and made sure we attended together. I will miss your ministry of information dissemination and loaded distribution. I will miss your calls to embark on a money making venture or humanitarian project. I will miss your marketing of your goods and services. I will miss uncountable wonderful things about you. Finally, I would miss your signature smile, which could mean a wide variety of things from - Oh! That's nice, to - I love you to bits, to - you are not serious, to - I will ignore that, to - I will deal with you later.... etc 😄 . 

We love you Yanmo but God decided that He needed His angel back with Him and who are we to question our ALL Mighty God. Rest in perfect peace Osayanmo.

Hmmm! Only God in His infinite mercy can comfort and strengthen your dear husband, children, grandchildren and entire friends and family. We shall continue to uplift you all in prayers.

Rest in Perfect Peace my darling friend … Darlin and the memory of the wonderful 53 years that I have known you will have to comfort me.


Your "Princesssss" - BIMBOLA DADA


 Dear Mama.

Your sun set so soon,you fed thousands of people and touched millions of life positively,it is very difficult to believed you have gone,

your humanitarian kindness and legacy left behind can never be forgotten,thank you for how you have helped me,

may God grant you eternal rest till will meet and part no more RIP MAMA


Tribute To A Business Icon

Our Vice Chiarman (Mrs. Darlin Sofola)

What can we say???, We can't question God, for He knows what is best for you.

We will miss you greatly,you ensure we pull through every challenge that comes our way as a business,your guidance and advice are always timely.

You sure made your mark in the business world,no matter how tough the terrain seems,with your guidance we sail through unperturbed.

Thank you for the opportunities given to us to be part of your team.  

Continue to rest in the bossom of the Lord..

Adieu Great Icon.....

From: Pine Park Limited



Tribute to An Amiable Woman of Substance (Mrs. Darlin Sofola)

Mama as we all fondly call you, I am sooo pained but with submission to the will of God, I wish you eternal rest.....

You are a gem 💎, a Solution to everyone's challenges, Always there to listen and advice, a fighter who believes nothing is unachievable..

I will Soo miss your motherly role, David is still asking about "Grand ma Lekki" as he calls you..

We love you but God loves you more.

Thank you for the time we spent together.....

Rest on.... GREAT WOMAN!!!!!!!!!

Chinyere Ofoegbu (Mrs.)


Aunty Darlin Sofola

Thanks to the friendship of our parents the Adenijis and the Cokers we became members of

the great Giwa-Osagie family. From visiting the family in Adisa Bashua to summers in

Downton Avenue to the present day. One thing I remember is the first time I saw Aunty

Darlin- I thought she was the most beautiful lady I had ever seen. Indeed, I was not alone in

that thought because every time she walked past people would literally keep quiet to watch

her. Her wedding to Uncle Kayode was like the Royal wedding.

When I came home for the Nigerian Law School Aunty Darlin helped me with my side hustle,

I’d pick up bales of Linen fabric from her store to sell and put my profit on top. She was very

tickled that I had taken that business gene from my mother…

I cannot express my shock at hearing the news considering I had just forwarded a Whatsapp

message from Aunty darlin with the music video of ‘Simi’ to a friend just a few days ago. But

alas there’s only one Aunty Darlin so I heard right

You will be sorely missed in various capacities, as Wife, Mother, Grandmother, Sister,

Cousin, Aunty, Friend, Entrepreneur, Influencer, Advisor, Organizer, and as a Beauty to


We cannot question God, and even in this we thank the Almighty for the woman that you

were and our journey together be it not long enough in our eyes.

On behalf of us all the family of Justice and Chief Mrs Patience Adeniji I greet you Uncle

Kayode, Kolade, Juwon, Buki and Ladipo and pray that God Uphold, Strengthen and Give you

Oil of Joy at this time the way only He can Do and may Aunty Darlin’s soul rest in perfect

peace forever, Amen

Yemisi Wada

I was shocked to hear of the sudden passing away of my beautiful cousin Mrs Darlin Osayanmo Sofola .Difficult as this may be, the decision  belongs to the Almighty Lord who is the alpha and omega.

Darlin was such a rare gem and her legacies will endure. A true daughter and embodiment of Oloke family.

May the Lord Almighty comfort the immediate family.

Rest In Peace until the resurrection day.

Osahon & Dunmi Ukponmwan

Aunty Yanmo i can not believe you are gone. It is like a dream. The last time I chatted with you was in November around Thanksgiving, we prayed for Kolade and Mijo. You are such a gorgeous woman with a heart of gold, so gentle and kind. I pray to God to console the family you left behind. May God receive your sweet soul. Good night my Aunty Yanmo you will always have a special place in my heart.

Adesuwa Guobadia Eboh


Mrs Darlin OsayanmoKAYODE-SOFOLA

(Nee Giwa-Osagie)

Our Very precious Sister

“a true Darling”

Wednesday 20 th January 2021


Our very precious Sister“Darlin” was born into the celebrated Benin GIWA-OSAGIE Family.

Her father,Chief Frank Sumola GIWA-OSAGIE, a Kings College old Boy (KC Old Boy) and

the first Nigerian Director of Prisons. Her older brother Professor Osato GIWA-OSAGIE the

Internationally acclaimed Gynaecologist, who delivered all our Children, was also a KC Old

Boy. Another brother, Dr Mudiame GIWA-OSAGIE was my classmate at the International

School, Ibadan.

In the seventies, Darlin and Bimbo, my fiancé at the time, worked together at Coopers and

Lybrand, and they got on so well together, they maintained a lifelong friendship. Subsequently,

we got married and Darlin married our big Brother, “Mr K”, who, as would be expected, is an

accomplished KC Old Boy. Darlin took us - “Mr K’s” team, which included, the two Princes –

Senator (Prince) Gbolahan DADA; Dr (Prince) Gbadebo AKISANYA and myself, to heart.

And it immediately became clear to all of us that Darlin was truly a very exceptional Lady.

To know Mrs Yanmo SOFOLA was to know Passionate Loyalty. Darlin was Passionately

Loyal in all her endeavours. To mention only a few, she passionately worshipped her God,

while taking time to understand and respect her Husband’s Religion. When she sent Bimbo

prayers, she would send me passages from the Quran. She was passionately loyal to both the

GIWA-OSAGIE and SOFOLA Families; her passionate loyalty to “Buki and Boys” is

Legendary; she was a very passionate serial Entrepreneur and I called her ‘my sister Engineer

and Builder’ .She was passionate about her old school friends and Coopers and Lybrand

Alumni; she took special and passionate interest in the “young ones” – a proud advocate of

marriage.She was passionately loyal to her friends; which included those of her husband’s;she

was passionate about our Culture and the Nigerian Nation. She had wonderful organisational

skills – National and International. She was a very strong Apostle of seeing the best in



Adieu!! May your Passionate and Loyal Soul continue to Rest in Perfect Peace, our very

precious Sister – a true Darling!!

Bimbo and Bisade BIOBAKU

20 th January 2021

Auntie darling, you were always happy to see people around you with your smiling face... Its extremely sad that you would be joining your creator so soon... Oral mortin est inserta... The hour of death is Uncertain... May your soul continue to rest in peace...

             Alonge-Lawrence  Osabohien Esq  

Aunty Darlin,

It is indeed hard to accept that this is it, we will not be seeing your lovely smiles nor feeling your warm hugs anymore.

You were very soft spoken and pleasant, always smiling and happy to see everyone gathered together, you opened up your home ever so often to ensure cousins reunited from time to time. I recall one of the Christmas parties, how you sent several reminders and asked us to sleep over so that we could stay as late as we wanted. On many occasions, I will see you in public and rush to greet you will receive the greeting with so much warmth and smiles and introduce me to everyone around you.

We definitely would not have wished to be doing this so soon, however we take solace knowing that you have completed your race but we know that your light will continue to shine so bright and will remain a great example to others.

Rest in peace aunty...your memories will remain in our hearts.

Eghosa Giwa-Osagie




(By her classmates in Queen’s School, Ibadan – QSOGA Set of 67-71/73)


We received the news of Darlin’s Call to Glory with rude shock and for all of us, life stood still on hearing

this tragic news on Sunday 17th January 2021. With this unbelievable news came deep grief,

uncontrollable weeping, denial and then anger - May God forgive us.

Yanmo was a childhood friend, as God in His providence brought us together in Queens’s School, Ibadan

when she joined us in form 2 in 1968.

First, Darlin was our classmate, then she became a friend and later as we all grew older, she became a


Describing Yanmo as a woman with a large heart is clearly an understatement! She was quite

unassuming, exuding love and radiating joy wherever she went. She was also hardworking, enterprising,

selfless, and generous. Her generosity manifested each time she had an opportunity to host our class set

meetings or some other events. At such functions, we were spoilt with a wide variety of food, ate to our

heart's content and packed extra food home with numerous souvenirs.

Darlin was a true friend who in adversity, would always give unsolicited and selfless support to those

who needed it without being asked. She was a committed and devoted friend who would always say -

those of us who have been together from childhood. She was firm but soft and pleasant. She looked

out for her childhood friends and always wanted to be sure they were okay. She always lovingly reached

out to help her friends.

Yanmo’s unique gift was making each friend feel special despite the thousands of friends around her.

She always had a kind word to say about everybody and a sweet word for everyone on all occasions. A

darling to the core!

Yanmo was a gem of a sister, colleague, and friend, and true to her name, she was a darling to us - her

sisters. Yanmo was brilliant and amiable. She was one of the live wires of our class whatsapp platform.

She took us down memory lane with the evergreen music of yesteryears. Breaking news came to our

attention mainly through her. Historical and geographical issues were regularly brought out to educate

us. In short, there was never a dull moment with her! She was, undoubtedly, the AWARD- WINNING

JOURNALIST that took us down memory lane and kept us current with news about town. She also spoke

the truth to unpleasant situations, as needed. Ah! Yanmo our Minister for Information has left us! Who

can fill the void she has left?

Darlin lived what one would describe as a balanced life – socially, spiritually and academically.

Yanmo, you have surely left a deep hole in our hearts. A vacuum that would be hard to fill.

Though pained by your death, memories of good times spent together will forever be cherished.


Thank you, Darlin, for being our friend. Thank you for your prayers and unstinting support, and the

privilege of knowing a beautiful soul as yours.

We are especially thankful to God for the Prayer Forum He led us to start, which brought us all even

closer, as we were able to take our anxieties and burdens to Him in prayer.

It is comforting that you are with your Lord and Saviour - Jesus Christ, whom you knew, loved and

served. Therefore, it is not a final bye-bye for us but merely a pause in our beautiful relationship. We

shall see you again on the Resurrection Morning- never to part again.

Sleep on Beloved friend and Sister. You will forever live in our hearts.

Rest peacefully in the bosom of Christ.

May God strengthen your husband, your children, your grandchildren and your entire family.

We love you DARLIN but God loves you much more.



QSOGA 1967-71/73



May her soul rest in peace.

She was so pure from heart.

She had that compassion from the start.

Time cannot be changed and things will remain

Life will not always be the same.

It is hard to accept the reality that you are no more.

We take solace in the fact that, we will one day drop our Mortal bodies for immortality.

You touched many lives positively.

How can I forget so soon that you bought me my first ever Mark and Spencer's shirt. Your generosity was second to now.

Your passing is a colossal loss and you will be greatly missed.

My heartfelt condolences goes to the entire family, friends, staffers and business associates. 

A o pade l'eti odo

T'ese angeli tite

T'omo gaara bi kritali

L'eba ite Olorun

Otunba Omotinugbon

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